Sunday, April 25, 2021

From League of Extraordinary Penpals

Another weekend, another tray of biscuits made. Having a quiet weekend after a very, very big week. Baking relaxes me. 

Anyway, on with the questions, supplied, as always, by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What issues are important to you?

There are a lot of these, but  ones that come to mind:

  • The state of the environment and global warming / climate change
  • The state of our Federal Government and how awful it is at present
  • Arts funding
  • Independent journalism (almost non-existent in Australia) 
  • Australian waterways
I care about a lot of stuff. 

2. Which breakfast foods are your favorite?

Easy. Eggs. Love eggs for breakfast - particularly poached, even better if it's Eggs Benedict. 

3. How often do you change your hair style?

Pretty much never. I've had long hair for ever. Sometimes I put it up, most of the time I leave it curly. It gets washed every three or four days. I've got set and forget hair. 

4. Your most peculiar talent or interests?

I'm a Shakespeare boffin. That's strange enough. Love Shakespeare. 

5. Something you’re a natural at

I'm a fairly natural writer. It doesn't take me much to string a few sentences together. I'm lucky like that. I also pick up languages really easily. 

6. Women who inspire you

  • Michelle Obama
  • Angela Merkel
  • Turia Pitt
  • Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins

7. How often do you take a break from everything?

Not often enough. I wish I did it more. I've had a few sanctioned breaks in the past few months, but I'd like to take more. I don't go away enough. 

8. What are your go to dancing songs?

Pretty much anything from the 80's. Songs like Echo Beach and Rock Lobster are just awesome. Then again, songs like Pharell Williams' Happy gets me dancing too. 

9. Favorite carryout and takeaway foods to order

I live around the Vietnamese district here in Melbourne - there's a huge Vietnamese community. My favourite takeaway is at the Vinh Ky restaurant where they do a crispy dry beef in a spicy chilli sauce. It is magnificent. I've put many a friend onto this.

If not this, then it's over to Grill'd burgers for a Bird 'n' Brie with a side of sweet potato fries with some herbed mayo. Their burgers are excellent. Lovely, fresh and not over processed. 

10. People you like to spend time with

My friends. They're a collective. They're great. 

11. Hobbies you started within the last year

I've not really started anything new, but I have been blogging daily since the start of 2020. This is a big thing for me as I never thought I could blog daily. I've been at it for 16 months now. It's a new habit.  

12. What scents, sounds, and sights of Spring do you like?

Well, it's Autumn here now (Fall) and they are very different smells to Spring. I like Autumn best of all. I love the sound of leaves crunching under your feet, the last of the summer roses and the autumn baking that always starts around this time. Soups and roasts start to be made again. It's comforting. 

13. Cultural aspects you cherish and enjoy

I've started to get more into learning about aboriginal culture. After 50 odd years of living on stolen land, the indiginous people of Australia have a rich and rewarding culture. The more I learn, the more I respect it. I'm glad we're getting more and more exposure to this. We can learn a lot from how things were done. 

14. TV shows and films you liked this month

I'm really enjoying the new series of Younger - I know it's on one of our streaming services, but it's great fun. We also have a new series of Lego Masters which has just started. It's great fun for a Sunday night. 

15. What do people usually come to you for help with?

I do a lot of writing for other people - fixing resumes, updating websites, that sort of thing. I'm also the person who picks you up from hospital, helps you move furniture or will drive that second car that needs driving somewhere. I'll drive anything anywhere, so I'm good for this. 

Today's Song:


Bev Sykes said...

I enjoyed learning about Tuna Pitt.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

#4 Have you ever been to Straford-upon-Avon? If you haven't, you would love it. As much as I hate Shakespeare's works (sorry about that :o( ) it is an interesting place to visit.

Bizarrely I also like "Happy". It's difficult not to like it really.




Kwizgiver said...

I haven't heard Martha & the Muffins in... decades! What a treat! :)

songbird's crazy world said...

Shakespeare...I’ve read quite a lot of his works. I think my favorite is Richard III. Now is the winter of our discontent ...

CountryDew said...

I need to study more Shakespeare. I haven't done so since college and that was a long time ago. I'm sure that now I'm much older, I would find more about him to love than I did when I was younger.