Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Movie Review: Supernova

The Movie: Supernova

The Cinema: The Rivoli

Stars: 4

I have to preface this review by stating the fact that while watching this film, I was feeling quite wretched. A consequence of the anaesthetic I'd had in the days before. It didn't make for comfortable watching, but I powered through, and I'm really glad I saw this. 

But despite this, this quietly devastating film got under my skin. 

Sam (Colin Firth) and Tusker (Stanley Tucci) and Bella (their dog) are on a road trip. The long term partners are driving around visiting friends, old places and celebrating their life together in their old camper. But it quickly comes apparent that Tusker's life is being taken from him thanks to early-onset dementia and Sam is left to pick up the pieces. 

This is a quietly devastating film. It's subtle, it's sweet and it packs a huge emotional wallop as the long-term couple negotiate Tusker's failing health and his decisions around this. It's apparent from early on what is going to happen at the end. As they wind their way around the Lake District, you find out more about these men, their predicament and the abject horror of what is a long-running death sentence. 

Stanley Tucci is wonderful as Tusker, who embarks on his demise with humour, pragmatism and charm. Colin Firth is the powerhouse here. His Sam is finely nuanced, strong, yet vulnerable, caring, yet angry. He rides the gamut of emotions as the movie progresses. Firth and Tucci make a very believable, very relatable couple. These guys would be your friends in real life. You'd love having them in your life. You'd laugh with them and you'd mourn for them. 

Also, this isn't a queer film. It's a film about love and family and the ending of life - and like a supernova, Tusker wants to glow brightly until the last. 

It's a thought provoking film. It's an incredibly touching film, and I'm very, very glad I saw it. 

Today's Song:

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