Saturday, October 19, 2024

Another thing to all to the list

 This getting older thing is crap. 

So is losing your gall bladder. 

Actually, losing your gall bladder, when it's full of stones and causing you pain is good, and necessary, but it does play with your eating habits. 

Then once you have your gall bladder removed you have to find a new normal. You soon find out what you can and can't eat. Normally, after gall bladder removal, you start off with bland, good food, and stay away from saturated fats, and after a few months, you find a new normal. Some things will come back. Some things won't. 

I've been lucky so far. Since this sack of marbles that was sitting under my liver removed I've had to change very little. 

Things that were on my food no-no list before the surgery have pretty much stayed on the stay away list. Duck is the main offender. Duck breast is okay, but roast duck has me sitting on the loo for most of the night after eating it. Coconut cream and milk are another thing I can't look in the eye. Coconut on lamingtons, shaved coconut is fine, but high in saturated fat cream and milk and yoghurt, need to stay in the supermarket aisles. 

Oh, and red wine and I don't get on. I'm not sure if that's a gall bladder thing or something in the wine. 

Anyway, after the last few visits to Darwin, I've found something else that's now on the don't eat list. 

Fried Flat Rice Noodles. Char Kway Teow. Ha Fan. You name it, if it's got flat rice noodles and is flash fried in a wok with some bits and pieces, I'll be sitting on the loo in about two hours. 

I'm bummed. It's so unfair. Wok tossed flat rice noodles are one of my favourite things. 

On Wednesday, out at the depot, we ordered in lunch. This is what I ordered as flat rice noodles are gluten and dairy free. On tasting said noodles, something was a bit off. After having a reaction the last time I was in Darwin, where I spent and evening doing an imitation of the Exorcist from both ends, but I thought it was gastro. On Wednesday, lunch was bought from a dodgy Chinese place in a Northern suburb. This time, I started the noodles, but after a few bites thought it tasted a bit funny. The oil might have been off. I ate the chicken and tossed the rest. 

By 3 pm I was running to the loo every half hour on the half hour. Thankfully I felt okay - my body was just rejecting something it didn't like. A bit of Imodium and all was well. 

(My colleague had the same thing as me but ate the lot. I've since found out that they spent Wednesday night with fluid coming out both ends). 

Today, I met up with a friend and we went for lunch at a lovely Thai place in Fannie Bay. The food is exceptional. I've eaten there on numerous occasions. 

I had the chicken and flat rice noodles with basil and chilli. 

It was marvellous. Tasty. Fresh. Maybe a little too much chilli. It was great. 

And I was sitting on the loo at 3 pm with it coming out of me. Again, once it was out, all was well, and I feel fine. 

But I'm bummed. They really were one of my favourite things to eat as a treat meal. 

Today's song

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