Friday, October 18, 2024

What a good idea

Endeavouring to keep a semblance of a life while in Darwin, I look for things to do when I'm not working. There's the Deckchair Cinema, which only runs in the dry - but Pulp Fiction is playing on Sunday Night - I haven't seen that on the big screen since it came out in the mid-nineties. 

Of course, I like to go to aqua aerobics with the oldies on a Sunday morning. That's good fun - and exercise, and I treat myself to breakfast at a favourite cafe afterwards. 

And there's the gentle socialising with colleagues that has to happen, whether it be with a traveler drink in the hotel pool or going out for dinner. 

Yet I've been wondering if there are other activities, where you can meet people who you don't work with in a town you don't life in.

Speaking to a colleague at the depot today, I may have found one of these types of things. 

A Silent Book Club. 

A silent book club?


From what my colleague tells me, you pay your $10, then turn up at an upmarket pizza bar, which is conveniently a stone's throw away from our hotel. Then you sit in personable company for an hour and read in peace. The rules are no talking and phones on silent. You go there to read your book for an hour. There is time for talking after. Oh, and part of the $10 ticket price is a glass of wine, beer or soft drink. 

I think this sounds like a great thing to do. My colleague will be going, so we can catch up there, especially as they're now working from home most of the time. And I'll just have to work out what to take with me, whether it be Kate Mildenhall's The Hummingbird Effect, or the Anne LaMott's book on writing, Bird by Bird (which is on the Kindle) or something else. 

Reading and writing is such an insular hobby. 

This feels like a good thing to do. 

Today's song:

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