Wednesday, October 2, 2024

I'm off to see The Whitlams

 "I'm off to see The Whitlams tomorrow night," I told my colleague. 

They shuddered. "The Whitlams remind me of an ex I don't want to remember."

"Sorry I brought back that memory."

"No worries. I used to like The Whitlams until the ex became and ex."

Thinking about it, The Whitlams remind me of somebody too. 

And before you ask, I'm not off to see Gough and Margaret, going on a pilgrimage to their graves or anything. Gough Whitlam, is, after all, a bit of a hero of mine. He allowed me to obtain most of my degree debt free. He was the last truly visionary Prime Minister that we've had. Aspirational. He'd turn in his grave if he saw the place now. 

Nah. I'm fulfilling a bucket list item. I've lived in Richmond for nearly 20 years, and I've never been to the Corner Hotel. The Whitlams - the 90s band, are playing for a few nights. Tomorrow night, I'm taking myself off to the Corner for a night of music. Sure, I'm going alone - but I'm expecting the crowd to look, and act, like me. Middle-aged, probably wearing a band t-shirt, sensible shoes, glasses. I can't see it being a big night. It's a school night after all. 

Yet thinking of exes, I remember sending one a CD of The Eternal Nightcap. I love that album. I still love that album. But I can't play it without thinking of somebody, knowing that he loved it too. It's got some great songs in it. It's a mix of styles and themes. It is a fantastic album.

Nobody sends albums to people anymore. We don't make mix tapes anymore. 

As a species, we are letting people down. 

Regardless, I'm off to The Corner to see The Whitlams, on my own, tomorrow night. I haven't been to a rock gig on my own before, so this is a bit new too. I normally try to go to music events with people. It will be fine. I can always take my book. 

And you never know who you might meet. 

I'll be happy if they play Blow Up the Pokies and You Sound Like Louis Burdett

Today's song: 

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