Saturday, March 1, 2025

What is my Superpower?

Sitting in a room full of women on a writer's retreat down the Great Ocean Road, we've been given our first writing block task. 

Question: What is your superpower? Do you have more than one superpower? Are there superpowers you used to have?

I like this set of questions, as I like to think I have a number of superpowers. Maybe it's because I'm a neurospicy woman and there's always five things going on inside my head any one time. 

Such as I will be judging your grammar in my head, not that you will know it - and I know that I'll be running through the grammar rules (such as do you know if it's their, there or they're - and can you discern this). Or maybe this is because I'm a judgy bitch. But I actually do care if you 

One of my great superpowers is starting arguments from ten kilometres away. Yes, I'm a bit strange and lippy, but often people don't get exactly what I've said until a couple more synapses have fired, and by this time, I'm in the car and on the way home. The number of times friends have called up the next day to say that there have been violent shouting matches over a seemingly innocuous comment I've made. I don't knw - it just happens. 

I'm a bit of a cat whisperer. Cats love me. I love cats. People who say their cat hates everybody, I'll happily go up, give them a cuddle and smooch. "That cat won't let us touch her." Well, she likes me. Actually, I get on better with animals than I do humans. Animals don't phase me at all - unless they're a chook or a snake. Not fond of chooks. 

I can and will drive anything. And I can reverse park. Without the reversing camera.

Oh, and I run a pretty good ritual. But that is another blog post for another time. 

I've probably missed a few things, but I think this is a good start. 

I'm on retreat. I have better things to write about. 

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