My next-door neighbours are moving out in a few weeks, and this is a bit of a bugger. They've been my neighbours across the hall for a few years now. In that time, they've had a child, Lilu, who's not two. It's been good having some young child energy around the place. I remember when Ricky brought her home from the hospital. She was five-days-old and he asked me if I wanted to give her a cuddle. Of course, I did! How often to get to hold such potential in your arms?
I've watched Lilu grow up of the last two years. Her parents originally come from Taiwan, and she has Asian features. Finally her black hair has grown thick, her mother, Sheelah cutting into a pageboy cut. For two, she's also small. She's a cutey. Loud. A bit impossible (she is a Scorpio after all) but a lovely little kid.
So, imagine my delight tonight when I went downstairs to get to my massage appointment.
There was Ricky, sitting in front of his car, with Lilu sitting in a bucket of water.
I wish I took a photo.
And okay, Ricky's a plasterer, so he has a lot of big buckets at the back of his carport.
But finding Lilu, in one of his buckets filled with water, as happy as a pig in muck, it was a joy to behold.
I asked why she was in there.
It was what she wanted to do.
She wanted to sit in a bucket of water with a big grin on her face.
It must be lovely to have something like that make you happy. It must be lovely to be able to fit in a bucket of water.
I just wish I got a photo of her. It was a moment of pure joy.
See, and you were thinking I was going to go somewhere else.
As much as I want to rant about the new abortion laws that Queensland has on the statutes, where parliamentarians are gagged from discussion abortion.
This is absolutely fucked. But you say that abortion is still legal in Queensland. So? So, this means the parliament are also gagged from making improvements to the laws and services. For bringing in new medical abortions (the abortion pills - far less invasive and simpler than having the operation) They're letting things rest because their all-seeing magic sky messiah has told them it's wrong. I find it interesting that it was a group of middle-aged, conservative, MALE politicians who instigated this.
For fuck's sake, leave this topic in the hands of the doctors and the women and keep your harmful ideas away from our laws.
Here's a clip from the ABC which gives the human perspective as to why this is a VERY bad thing.
Just with most things that people can find morally or religiously iffy - think Voluntary Assisted Dying, Stem Cell Therapy, hell, even vaccines (though I have even stronger thoughts on this - but that's for another time). If you don't like it, don't do it. But don't stop others from carrying out their needs and wishes.
Why is this happening here? We're not an American Red State.
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