Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sunday Stealing: Countdown from Five

 It appears Sunday Stealing is back on deck after a hiatus of a couple of months. I'm pleased about this, as Sunday is my day to write fiction, and it means I can get a blog post out of the way. I'm trying to pen something for this month's Furious Fiction as well as get some knitting out the way and do some housework. As we have a long weekend, it's a great chance to get all of this done. 

So, thank you to The Gal Herself, who's taken over from Bev for he while setting the Sunday Stealing questions. 

FIVE people who mean the world to you.

I'm really not into naming and shaming people in this blog, so please excuse me if I group some people together. I have a broad group of friends from all over the word who I love and cherish and I'm bit amiss to single them out. So here goes. 

1. My family. Even though I don't see them much and they think I'm odd, I do love them. 

2. Jonella and Blarney - they're my Melbourne sisters. 

3. The girls from Gunnas, the writer's collective I belong to. We go on writing retreats together - and they are my tribe. I never thought I would find a tribe, but we all just get each other. 

4. Reindert. Reindert is my Dutch friend who lives in Colorado. He does friendship better than almost anybody I know. It's long-standing, gentle friendship. Maybe because we're both a bit odd. Maybe it's because we have similar values, but I love that he is my friend. 

5. Can I call out my cat? I know Lucifer isn't a person, but he is my child, and I love him dearly. 

FOUR things you fear.

1. Swimming in open water

2. Huntsman Spiders

3. Fundamental any group of religious people - and you can count Hillsong as part of this group. Maybe just change that to organised religion. 

4. Dying alone and in pain. 

THREE words to describe how you feel right now.

1.  Warm. (In was a fairly hot day here today)

2. Hopeful

3. Calm (Which considering the news is a bit of a miracle)

TWO things you're excited about.

1. I'm going to England and France in September. So looking forward to this. I've kept up with my daily French lessons. 

2. Having my hair grow back. My hairdresser, the wonderful Lee, chopped a lot of it off today and I feel a bit naked. I'll be excited to get it back again. I like my hair a bit longer, even if it does feel good. 

ONE thing you'd like to say to someone.

1. Please put me in front of one or other right-wing world leader and let me at them. Seriously, where does the world find these people. I'd love to give them a serve. I'll probably be wearing my "Typical Bloody Leftie" t-shirt at the time. (If you're in America, the t-shirt would read 'Typical Damned Liberal...")

Today's song: 


The Gal Herself said...

I considered naming my cats, too, because aren't they fur people? Love the t-shirt.

Stacy said...

We will be the two enjoying the beach safely on the shore. No way am I swimming in the ocean.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm impressed by your calm. as an old leftie, I'm...not. The video reminded me of Muskrat's two failed rocket launches

Lisa said...

Dying alone and in pain would be something to fear. I enjoyed your answers.

CountryDew said...

Love the T-shirt. Jealous of the trips! And happy for you that you've found your tribe.