And the Oscar goes to.... Dave the Tradie. The giant tattooed alleged nice guy.
He's done a complete 180 with his personality.
He's completely channeling John Malkovitch in Dangerous Liaisons.
How did this happen?
Who is this person and what have they done with Dave?
Why do men do this sort of crap? Are all men emotional cripples?
It was uncomfortable viewing in more ways than one. I've been on the other side, and it is horrible
Oh well, that's my bit of drama for the day - at least the worst of the day is over. I survived another day in the war room with 20 odd other people. I survived training with Chuck and Tarquin - who I will often train Jay's away. She's in Thailand, so working out with Tarquin it is. We get a bit competitive. Don't ask me how I've strained a butt muscle - but now I'm sitting on a hot water bottle with an arse cheek plastered up with DeepHeat.
Despite the literal pain in the bum, I feel a bit vindicated. Working out with Tarquin - my weights are nearly where his are. And that feels good.
Unlike poor Jamie, who's be cut right off by Dave.
We do get so caught up in this silly show.
But for tonight, it's off to bed for me. I'm wiped.
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