Friday, March 21, 2025

Warm Rain

 Is there anything better than tropical rain? I think not. 

It is the end of the wet season up here and for the last few days, it's been raining, heavily at very inconvenient times. You want to go for a walk? It rains. Want to go for a swim. It rains, with lightning and thunder. Yeah, not a good idea. You wake up. It's raining. 

I rather like it. 

Today, after work, after handing in various passes and turning off the computer, I went to make a trip to the bottle shop to pick up some gin. 

Of course, it was raining. 

But not the heavy tropical rain. It was like a Melbourne rain. But warm. 

And as I wanted to get to the bottle shop before returning home, I decided to walk in the rain. It wasn't heavy enough to do too much damage to the Birkenstocks, but heavy enough to get me a little damp. 

Warm rain. Almost cloying rain. It felt like I was wandering through my morning shower. That warm. 

It was just lovely, 

And now I'm packing to go home. Sort of. 

And overnight flight. A day and a night in Sydney. A morning flight (but not too early) on Sunday morning. Get back, get unpacked. Collect the cat. 

And that's the weekend. 

I've got two hours left here this trip. 

It's still raining, though a little bit heavier. 

I still like it. 

Today's song

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