Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sunday Stealing: Cry Baby

I'm trying to pack for another week away. The flat feels empty and I took Lucifer around to my friends' place - and I left him happy - well his tail was saying he was happy. 

It's been three months since I was in Darwin, and I have a funny feeling I'll be seeing a bit of the place over the next few months. I'd probably better get used to travelling again. 

Today's questions come from Sunday Stealing. The site isn't saying who's setting the questions. 

1) Think about the last person you forgave. How long did it take you to forgive them?

 It's probably easier to ask me who I haven't forgiven, as I tend to forgive people pretty easily - I don't like carrying around negative feelings and letting people live rent free in my head. 

However, I can carry around grievances at times. The last person I didn't forgive was a colleague who caused a lot of drama at work. Their behaviour was appalling. I won't go into it, but I lost all respect for them after one particular meeting. They were gone a few weeks later, but needless to say, you remember how people make you feel. I'm not sure I'd call the fire brigade if they were on fire. Sure, this isn't forgiveness, but I don't like when I lose respect for people. It's very disappointing. 

2) Steph's favorite fast food is Taco Bell. What's yours? 

I'm trying hard to no eat fast food, but I do have some go tos':

  • KFC chips
  • I love a Burger King/Hungry Jacks Whopper with Cheese with lots of pickles
  • McDonald's chicken nuggets.
But my favourite fast food is on the 'healthier' side of things. Grill'd burgers (Their bird and brie burger is amazing) or Schnitz wraps are my real favourites. But we don't have them very often. 

3) Who was the last friend you hung out with? What did you do?

 Other than bringing my mate Kat into town when I dropped off the cat, I was at a writer's retreat two weeks ago and I hung out with a lot of friends. We wrote and walked along the beach and danced and you name it, we did it. It was very cool. 

4) Did you do anything this past week that will still seem important a year from now?

Not that I can remember. I got a handle on some documents which might be really important in a years' time. Other than that - nothing. 

5) Will this coming week be better than last week? How so?

Well, I'll be in Darwin for the week, stopping off on the way home in Sydney to see some friends - so the change of scenery and seeing friends will be a good thing. Though I'll miss my cat. 

Today's song:

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