Monday, August 10, 2020

Highlights of the Day

Level Four Lockdown: Day Eight
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood: Level - a little bored even

I want to get to bed, and it's getting late.

But here are today's highlights.
  1. Pilates at 7 a.m. Li Chi, my favourite Pump instructor from the gym, has been holding classes over th internet through another, smaller gym. Pilates at 7 a.m. is not really a struggle. You get out of bed at 6.50, throw on some clothes, not bothering with a bra, brush your hair, press the zoom link and Bob's your uncle. It's a nice way to start the day. 
  2. Now that I can leave the house without the fear of spreading the plague, I went to town during my lunch break to get the mail. The parking fairy played nice. Found a great 15 minute park on Little Bourke Street. Picked up the mail. The best bit of this was that the cat's new laser pointer had turned up. It's rechargable. Lucifer loves it. 
  3. I got a coffee on the way home from the post office. It's the little things. 
  4. Cleo ran our training session over Zoom tonight. Jay and I got out our borrowed pump equipment and we were put though our paces in the living room (which is also my office, writing studio, cat playground and lounge room). It was pretty cool, but it's not the same as the park, or even better, the gym.
  5. I managed to not make myself toast, peanut paste and raspberry jam after training. I'm quite proud of myself. 
The rechargable laser pointer is a great buy. The cat has been sitting at my heels, pattng my lap and the table, demanding some more dot to chase. He's a funny little critter.

Oh, and today's song was on the playlist at Pilates this morning. I didn't know it was Rhianna - great song.

Right, bedtime. 

Today's song:

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