Sunday, August 2, 2020

Upstream Life

For my American friends reading this, here is the state of play here in Melbourne Australia..
  • Melbourne went into a State of Disaster today.
  • For the next six weeks we have a curfew from 8 pm to 5 am
  • We are allowed to got shopping for essentials within a 5 km (3 mile) radius of the house.
  • We can exercise for an hour a day, with one other, socially distanced, within a 5 km radius from home. .
  • You can go to work (but restrictions are being announced tomorrow, but it sounds like things are shutting except for food, fuel and pharmacies and essential services) Work form home if you can. I've been working from home since 18 March)
  • No visiting people's places, except for care giving. 
  • These orders are in place for six weeks. 
  • No weddings can take place for the next six weeks (Extenuating circumstances an exception)
  • Funerals are limited to 10 people and the celebrant. 
  • Oh, and to bring things into perspective, Melbourne is a city of five million people (Australia has 25 million people) As of today, 208 people have died from this insidious disease.
  • Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are nearly back to normal. Not so much Queensland and New South Wales - it's just Melbourne. 
  • Oh, and masks as mandatory. $200 fine if you don't wear one. 
  • And thank god for Dan. #IstandwithDan. 
Just putting some things into perspecitve. 

I'm okay - I have a cat. 

Anyway, here's today's questions, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Name 5 people you admire and why

  1. Dan Andrews (State Premier) doing one of the toughest jobs in a dreadful situation and for the most part coming out okay. He is open, transparent and stands up for the state. 
  2. Margaret Atwood. Her writing is amazing. 
  3. Malala Yousefei - fighting for women's rights. Incredible young girl. 
  4. Clementine Ford - for her battles with the patriarchy and not going a flying f*ck about it. 
  5. Tim Ferguson - Comedian / Multiple Sclerosis champion. A very funny man with a great heart and a great message.

2. When was the last time you did something adventurous?

I went to India in November. That was pretty adventurous.

3. You felt you got older when _______

I moved countries when I was 23 - by myself, Had to really stand on my own two feet.

4. What one thing that could happen today would make you extremely happy?

They could find a vaccine for COVID-19.

5. An experience you don’t want to go through again.

Having a dry socket after having a wisdom tooth removed. That was awful.

6. One decision you made that changed your life completely.

In my early thirties I packed up my life and moved to Greece for a few months. It didn't turn out well in Greece, but it made me a lot less scared about making big decisions.

7. How do you participate in saving the earth?

Not as much as I could, but I do little things - recycle, I don't waste food, I try and take public transport when I can - I do those sorts of things.

8. A gift you would like to get on your next birthday?

It's my birthday in three weeks and I'm expecting nothing. I would love a cuddle. It will probably end up being a cuddle from the cat, but that would be lovely.

9. Things you miss about your childhood?

Wood fires and animals. We had open fires and pot belly stoves when I was a kid - and I still love them. And I had a heap of animals around me. Now I just have a cat.

10. The greatest invention?

The laptop computer - essential for living through a lockdown.

11. Your favorite super hero

Can I say Deadpool? Nah. I'm a superman girl. But in the Marvel Universe it's Deadpool and Groot.

12. Your views about veganism

Each to their own. I don't mind eating vegan, but I'm not one to push my views on people. I know lots of lovely vegans. Some more level headed than others. Like anybody with an agenda, as long as you don't push them on me, I'm fine with it.

13. If you could be anything else in the world, what would you be?

A well loved house cat.

14. How did you parents meet?

My parents were both in a small town on the River Murray (Loxton) They were set up by friends.

15. Your morning routine.

Get up. Pee. Feed the cat. Deal with the cat turds. I may go for a walk then. If not walking shower, get ready for work, start work., (Weekends I'll have a sleep in)

Today's song:


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Wow - I didn't know it was that strict in Melbourne. We have just had things tightened in Manchester but nowhere near that much. I hope it sorts itself out soon.




Bev Sykes said...

Hey, you and I both respect Malala Yousafzai. Cool.

Thanks for the update on Melbourne. My friends are all in WA and it's good to hear they are doing OK. I hope your new lock down helps.

LA Paylor said...

America where I live has about a thousand deaths a day now.
as to the earth question... I've noticed decent people who care about the environment always feel they aren't doing enough while the others in denial feel they are forced to do too much. Oy vey.

Here's to a cuddle... I wish I could hug you, birthday girl! These are lonely times.
We contra dance (google Glen Echo contra to see) and it's like being hugged thousands of times a night... no dances now of course

Su-sieee! Mac said...

If only the whole world would practice these extreme measures at the same time for 6 weeks. No cheating. I wish you well and big Happy Birthday hugs to you!