I need to get this down and out of me as I've had a crap afternoon and evening. Dot points will do.
On the good side of things, I'm fine. My knee is a bit sore and I'm shaken, but I'm otherwise fine.
I got mugged this afternoon. 4.30 this afternoon. I know this because I was going off to see Parasite and I needed to post a letter before the session.
I was nearing the post box in the car park. Some arsehole then drives up to me in a silver Honda drove up beside and grabbed my bag from over my shoulde from the car window. I grabbed on, but he accelerated and I had to let go.
I screamed down the place and gave chase. Another bloke, hearing the ruckus, also gave chase.
About 20 people came to my aid. It appears that I have a VERY loud scream.
Things could be so much worse. I could have got run over. I could have fallen and hit my head. He could have had some sort of weapon. I think I twisted my knee during all this - it's not bad - I'm sitting here with a bag of peas on it now.
Security arrived in minutes. It appears my screams were heard by the guys in the sporting goods shop and they came out to help. The bloke who gave chase came back. The car could not get out of the car park, so it was deserted on the top level. The silver Honda sedan was up there, filled with crap that looks like it was stolen - angle grinders, handbags, clothes etc etc. The car was deserted.
On the good side of things, having this happen in a car park in a busy shopping centre hopefully means there are CCTV recordings.
Police were called. The security guy at the centre was helpful-ish.
With no money, no phone, no keys, I went and saw a friend - there is a fellow who runs one of the stalls - we chat regularly and are becoming friends. He sat me down, gave me his mobile phone, got me a glass of water and some chocolate and let me get on with things like cancelling cards while waiting for the cops. He also loaned me $100 cash. He's an angel and I thank the universe that he was willing to help and so generous in his aid. Having his phone meant I could contact Jay, who came to my aid. She lives nearby, was home and was able to come help. (Facebook Messenger is brilliant for some things - this is one of those things)
Thankfully I have a replacement card sitting on the couch I can use and syphon money over to. Pleased about this.
The police called. We spoke as I took stock at what I'd lost:
- My favourite blue leather handbag
- My wallet in which there was
- 3x credit cards
- Store cards
- Drivers licence
- Medicare card
- Mobile phone (and iPhone X - about 2 years old and paid off)
- About $40 in cash and coins
- My blue ganesha key ring
- 1 ml of frankincense
- A stainless steel water bottle
- My keys (Keys to the car, flat, Freemason's temple, post office box, front gate and the front gate remote)
- A Nars lipstick in the colour of Fire Down Below
- Some used tissues
- My Myki Card
- My Opal Card (Sydney PT card)
- A charging cable
- A pot of Black Chicken deodorant
- Some other crap which I will think of at some stage - but this is by the by
Jay came pretty quickly. We swung by home. Roused the downstairs neighbours, Lea and Gene. The downstairs neighbours who have my keys are away but they have a house sitter. Texts were sent to ascertain the location of my spare keys (we feed each other's cats - spare keys are a necessity). Jay took me down to the cop shop where I gave a full statement. The constable I dealt with was excellent - I'd talked to her on the phone earlier. She'd had a bad day. Lots of dead bodies. A simple robbery with a person who wasn't screaming at her seems to have made her day.
Coming home, the neighbours had found my keys so I could get into the flat. I got my spare car key and Jay drove me back to the shopping centre to collect it. The car key battery was flat.
It's now 8 pm.
Thankfully the key / shoe repair guy was there. He replaced the battery and sold me a new gate opener (Jay providing the funds, which will be paid back shortly)
I went and bought some dinner and went home.
The land line in the flat was ringing. It was the police. My keys had been handed in - minus my wonderful Sex+Death keyring. I'm utterly grateful for this but I'm still agitated that some arsehole has all my details. Thankfully most things are now locked down - just the medicare card and the driver's licence to deal with tomorrow morning.

But I'm grateful for a lot of things.
- For Jay being able to come and help
- For Craig at the shopping centre for being incredibly helpful and supportive
- For the nice people who came to my aid
- That I'm not hurt more than a jiggered knee and a bit of pride
- That my keys were turned in to the cops early and came back to me before the locksmith came (Still thinking I'll talk to the locksmith tomorrow about this)
- That for some reason I managed to keep my head through all this.
Part of me wants to pop a sleeping pill now and go to bed, but I've had a G&T and that would not be a good idea (Stilnox and alcohol don't mix). What I would really like is to have a big, burly, clean, sweet smelling bloke to cuddle, but that is not available at the moment. I'll go see Maow Maow on Sunday.
Tomorrow I'll sort out the rest of stuff including getting a new mobile. I feel a bit lost without it.
Tomorrow I'll sort out the rest of stuff including getting a new mobile. I feel a bit lost without it.
But it was a shit afternoon - with a lot of blessings.
And to the arsehole who mugged me - may the fleas of a thousand camels nestle in his armpits and may a raging case of tertiary syphilis come his way. Never fuck with a witch. Karma will get him. But messing with a witch means the bump back will be brutal.
I'm going to try get some sleep now. Maybe tomorrow I will get to see Parasite....
Thanks for being supportive.
Today's Song: (Cos it makes me happy)
OMG This is so terrible. And in good old Victoria Gardens. I take it that although they found the silver Honda deserted in the car park full of stolen stuff, your hand bag wasn't in there. And also the owner of the silver Honda offers no clues. The detective in me is curious about these things even as I'm filled with commiseration for you. What a ghastly experience.
Hi Pand,
That is so horrible and horrific. I'm so sorry it happened to you. I really hope they catch the bastard.
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