Sunday, February 23, 2025


It's retreat weekend, and I've offered to facilitate a ritual on the first night of the retreat. There are some preparations to be made.  

The timing is excellent. It's a new moon earlier that day, and there will be no moon visible in the evening. 

The new moon is a great time to start planting and manifesting things. It's a time to celebrate the darkness for its healing properties and welcome in a skerrick of light that will grow and morph into something bigger and better. It's a time to sit in your own strength and enjoy the power within. A time to connect with the earth. A time of potential. 

What does this mean for me? I need to get my witch shit together. 

And where does one get witch shit? At a witch shit shop? Nah, the Chinese Shit Shop, otherwise known as the $2 Shoppe at the local shopping centre. 

I already have my broom, large white candle (fire), salt (earth), and I'll get a glass of water where we're going. That means I have to pick up some incense. That forms the air part of the ritual. 

A friend is bringing her portable cauldron. 

Oh, and I'll get a box of white candles - no idea how many people will be coming to this ritual. The last time I did something similar, there was close on 30 people there. 

Yes, I'm getting excited about this. Not only because I'll be on retreat, but I love getting my witch on. I've identified as a witch for decades - I just don't publicise it that much. People look at you funny. In another era I'd be a midwife, or a nurse, or a herbalist. With my reticence to put things around my neck, it's pretty obvious I've been hung or strangled in a former life. 

Now, I'm just a free-range witch. Generally, we're left to our own devices now. 

Fun fact, until a few years ago, it was illegal in Victoria to tell fortunes and practice witchcraft. They were taken off the statutes in 2005. YES, 2005!

I NEED this t-shirt. 

The ritual will be something easy. No need to over-egg it. 

After setting up the circle and giving gratitude to the universe (Note this - as we're at the equivalent of a benevolent, atheist kibbutz, this is the way it has to be. No God or Goddess. Nothing religious. But the Universe is okay - and I'm good with this.  After, maybe throw in some rosemary into the cauldron to summon the best of the universe. There's a big rosemary bush near the chapel. It won't mind giving up a bit of greenery and burning rosemary smells amazing. 

I might ask the participants to be barefoot if they are inclined so there is more of a connection with the earth. This will be done outside, because naked flames inside can only lead to trouble. 

And then the group can ponder what they want to manifest in the next few months. They can take a sprinkle of salt and water from the centre of the circle, sprinkle it on the ground, then take a candle and fill the wishes with light. 

Once the last person has done this, the circle can be closed. 

Does this sound like a plan? 

I might need refining. 

But this is the loose plan. 

I'm excited. I love getting my witch on. And how do I know how to do this? I'm a witch. You know. 

Think of us on Friday night. It looks something like this:

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