Friday, May 28, 2021

Little Rituals

Lockdown: Day 1 (hopefully of seven)

Mood: Flat but fine

I keep forgetting I like running. 

.Last night, our last night of freedom for a while, we met at the gym, but instead if going inside to train, we lugged some kettle bells and vipers (this weighted tube thing) outside and trained out there. Jay, Cleo and Hamish, who normally trains with another trainer, we were put through our paces on the paths outside the gym. A circuit of push ups, overhead presses, kettle bell swings, mountain climbers and shoulder rows were topped off with a run to the end of the path and back. Three rounds.

And I'd forgotten how much I love running. I love how I pull my shoulders back, keep my head up and just get on with it. I love the feeling of regulating my breathing and the challenge of keeping it under control. I love the feeling of moving through the air. I love regulating my stride - not that I was running fast, it was just a jog, but it felt fantastic. 

I'd also forgotten that my knees don't like me much the next day and really, I should be fifteen kilograms lighter before even thinking about running more again  - but it still felt very, very good to be running again. 

Now we're back in lockdown, I've got my rituals going again. 

A shower first thing in the morning is needed. It has to be done. A dab of perfume on the neck and wrists makes me feel alive. I don't need to smell good for the cat, but I like wearing perfume. Today, it was Jo Malone's Earl Grey cologne. Nice and subtle. 

I'm making my own coffee at the moment. A small percolator sits on the stove top. Half coffee, half macadamia milk and a half a cap of vanilla essence and I'm good to go. 

Regular visits to the cat for a cuddle (well, half cuddle - he gets a kiss on the head most of the time before being tucked back under his blanket.)

And the long walk. As it's dark  early morning and evening, the walk is taken around lunchtime. Today, I did the Richmond loop - over to Bridge Road, a quick stop at Dan Murphy's to look at the pretty gin (I'm not allowed to buy any) a walk along the river, back to Victoria Gardens to get a few supplies and a coffee, then home. I've got my 10000 steps in for the day. 

The bed get made every day. Pretty much as soon as I get up. The cat likes the bed made when he goes to sleep after his breakfast.

I sweep the kitchen floor after feeding the cat in the morning. He makes a mess, he does. 

At night, I shower, cleanse, tone and moisturise before cleaning my teeth and putting on my pyjamas - all to wash off the day. 

These are my rituals.

They keep me sane. 

(By the way, I've been trying to track down this song for ages. I remember it from London - back in the nineties when it seems good looks or teeth weren't needed to make a great song)

Today's song:

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