Sunday, May 9, 2021

Musical Maniac

Another weekend, another set of Sunday questions, breaking up what is a very quiet weekend.

 Questions, and this weeks are good ones, provided, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. Five problems with social media

  1. Generally, there is no filter
  2. The adds - I'm over them
  3. People have lost the ability for polite, constructive debate, unfortunately
  4. There are far too many nutters
  5. They change the settings all the time - you're regularly having to search out buttons and settings that have moved.
  6. Privacy can be really dodgy to non-existent
  7. People you don't want catching up with you can find you (see privacy)
  8. Sometimes you see what you don't want to see
  9. It can be a huge waste of time
  10. It's addictive. 
Ooops that's ten things. There are more problems with social media - why stop at five, I say. 

2. A place you would like to live, but have never visited

I think the South of France looks pretty amazing. It just looks so pretty - and then there's all the wine and cheese. My French would improve too. Never a bad thing. 

San Francisco and Seattle also appeal to me. Never been but they look great. 

3. Someone who fascinates you and why

I'm fascinated by Henry V and the whole Tudor court at the time - including Thomas Cromwell. I always have been. I find it amazing that one man shifted so much of how the world thought - possibly for the better. Then again, maybe not. I've been stuck in the Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall trilogy for an age. It's fascinating how things were done back then. Fascinating and very scary.     

4. Do you have tattoos?  What are they and why?

I have a very small Chinese character on my hip, the character for love - had it there for 25 years. I got it soon after my father died - partly as a bit of rebellion, but mostly because I like small, delicate tattoos. It can only be see if I show it to you - and I like that too. I've often thought of gettting another one, but can't think of the design. 

5. A book you love, and one you didn’t.

A book I love - oh, Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres. I read it every couple of years. It's lyrical, sweet and tragic. I have a lot of books I could mention here. 

A book I don't like: The 100-year-old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. We read this for book group earlier this year. It was touted as another Man Called Ove or The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, but it wasn't. It lacked heart an wasn't that funny. Oh well. 

6. A fruit you dislike, and why

Bananas. I really don't like bananas. They are too inconstant. You don't know what you're getting - and they are worse when they're old. I don't like their texture either. 

7. Two words/phrases that make you laugh

I love malaprops -  my favourites is "For all intensive purposed" (instead of "for all intents and purposes")  and pretty much anything my friend Blarney says, complete with an Irish accent. "Thank your mother for the rabbits" is my favourite one of all. 

8. A quote you try to live by

"Be the change you want to see." Ghandi. He's right about this one. I also live by "Nevertheless, she persisted" and "Few interesting women have tidy houses." I get this one too. 

9. Something you miss

This is a strange one, but I miss being able to get Coles Lily and Orchid ironing water at the supermarket. They've changed their scent of their ironing water and it is horrible. The Lily and Orchid one was lovely and subtle. 

10. Three weird traits you have

  • I love to iron
  • I have a little bit of OCD - I tend to check I've locked the front door two or three times before going to bed at night
  • I love the smell of dogs' paws

11. What you wore today

I'm currently wearing a blue top and a pair of baggy, wide legged khaki trouses - with Birkenstocks. I was in gym wear before until an hour ago. 

12. Word/phrase you use constantly

Cool and Mate. Standard response for anything in the affirmative is 'Cool', or 'Coolio" or 'Cool McGool'. And Mate is my standard greeting to everybody - it's very good in an office environment where you don't know people - and it works for men and women. 

13. One thing you’re excited for

Travelling again once this COVID debarcle is over. I've had my first vaccination, have to wait another three months for the second - and then I'll be off to New Zealand. (Though we we travel to New Zealand at the moment - it's the only place in the world we can go at the moment without a heap of bureaucratic nonsense.  

14. Your feelings on ageism

I'm used to it but it doesn't mean I like it. I do think it is ridiculous that people with experience are often overlooked for youth. 

15. Three interesting facts about yourself

I'm not interesting at all, but here are a few oddities about me. 

  • I read tarot to a professional level and I'm a little bit psychic - but I can't turn it on and off - that comes when it comes. 
  • I really want to go an see Angkor Wat one day
  • I can drive anything, and will drive anything quite happily - I'm often the designated driver. I love to drive. 

Today's song: 


CountryDew said...

I absolutely hate to iron. I won't buy clothing that needs ironing. Maybe I never learned to do it properly.

Me, Myself, and I said...

I call my dog "Frito-feet" because her paws smell like Frito Chips. Do you have those in Australia? They are corn chips. Anyhow, apparently dogs feet have some sort of fungus, lol, that smells like Fritos. Our previous dog's feet had the same smell.

songbird's crazy world said...

An you come to my house and do my ironing, please?

Bev Sykes said...

I'm with CountryDew on ironing. i hate it and ave not ironed anything in decades. We have a new ironing board...but it's Marta's, not mine.

I love bananas, but they have to be JUST RIGHT...not too green, not completely yellow. I like making banana bread with the overripe bananas.