Friday, May 14, 2021

Pay Day

 It's pay day - and I wish I could be excited. 

It's big bill month - a huge bill. A bill which I could do without, but it is necessary, in many ways, it's a form of self-imposed saving, but it's still a bill that needs to be paid. 

Then there's the doctors bill - there's the checkup with the gynocologist at the end of the month which is bloody expensice, plus the added expense of having some lumps removed on Monday. Then all the normal monthly bills. 

Which means I'm coming up short and needed to rein things in. 

I know there are a few things on this month:

  • A pub night with the Faber crew
  • Book group in an actual cafe and not over zoom
  • A play - which means going out to dinner beforehand. 
  • Breakfast with a uni mate
  • A combined leaving and birthday lunch
  • Breakfast after meditation tomorrow
Things which need to be bought and paid for have been budgeted. 

But for the rest of the month, it's living frugally. Really frugally. It's run down the cupboards, do lots of cooking, do lots of walking and writing for the month. Maybe go vegetarian. Take my lunch into work (not that this is a hardship - Salmonella Central, the nearest food court is truly dire).

I know I'm in an okay position and this is a temporary thing. There's also the small fact that I've had a number of phone calls offering me work at other companies which are paying a lot more money for the job I'm doing at the moment. But saying that, I'm happy where I work and I really can't complain about the money I'm on. There is a hell of a lot to say for sick and holiday pay and liking the people you work with. 

I'm looking at this as a self-imposed sabbatical - a bit of a chance to get some great habits in place, do a lot of writing and feel good about being on control of things. 

It's pay day. I should be happy. 

This is a surmountable challenge.

Today's Song: 

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