Monday, May 24, 2021

Midvale School for the Gifted

What ever happened to Gary Larsen?

Yes, he was at his most prolific in the eighties, that legendary cartoonist who became a part of the zeitgeist.

Growing up, everybody had a favourite Larsen. Whether it be the one with the deer with the unfortunate birthmark, or the Crisis Centre and the waterfall... there are are many of these cartoons circulating. The quirky humour brightened up the dullest of days. These cartoons were in books, on cards, even on coffee mugs. 

For me, my favourite was always Midvale School for the Gifted. 

I think I had this on a coffee mug at one time. 

And any time I find myself pushing a door which is marked as pull, or do something that is bleedingly obviously daft, I mutter the words "Midvale School for the Gifted."

I'm not the only one.There are other people of my age who do exactly the same thing - like muttering Young Ones and Monty Python quotes under my breath (NO WE DON'T HAVE A VIDEO!).

Mentioning this to one of my workmates the other day, she had no idea what I was talking about. I mean, she's my age, we were both raised in Australia around the same time. 

How could she have missed Gary Larson and The Far Side?

Or maybe we just don't have the same quirky sense of humour. 

I can't be the only one....

Today's Song:

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