Saturday, May 29, 2021

Binge versus Drip Feed

Lockdown: Day 2

Mood: Good. 

So lockdown means the opportunity to binge watch a couple of programs I've missed over the last while. This is both a good and bad thing. 

As a subscriber of both Stan and Netflix, this is a big weekend. Stan has brought on new episodes of The Bold Type and Younger. Both are light, fluffy, New York based, girl-centric shows that are generally enjoyable telly watching for somebody who doesn't like anything too screwed up and violent, especially late at night. Stan is using the drip feed approach, releasing an episode once a week for the duration of the season. 

And then there's Netflix, which has just released the back half of the fifth series of Lucifer. All eight episodes just landed at 6 pm on Friday night. Giving eight hours of viewing pleasure possibly all at once. 

And thinking about it all, I think I like the drip feed method more. 

I remember, as a child, loving when you had to wait to see your favourite television program - and how, if you missed it, you'd be lucky if they ran a repeat of the show. Then VCRs came into being and you had to remember to set the bloody thing so you could watch your favourite show again and again. 

The drip feed method suits me better. I like the routine of it all - waiting for your next program to drop. I like knowing that on Thursday night there is something new to watch. It's great catching up on what you're favourite characters are doing. It's like meeting up with old friends. 

The binge method just sucks your time and energy as you make a glutton of yourself watching episode after episode, often missing key bits... with the mantra 'ah, one more epidode.." has you up into the the wee small hours. 

I'm definitely a drip feed sort of person. It suits me much better. It doesn't feed my addictive as much. I like having something to look forward to.

Yet, I'm six episodes into the new intake of Lucifer....

Can't help myself. 

Walkies time now. Leave the last two episodes for when I get back. Gives me something to look forward to. 

Today's Song:

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