Sunday, May 16, 2021

Days of Gratitude

 Another quiet weekend - and I'm having a lot of quiet weekends of late, but this is okay - we're going into winter and quiet weekends when you relax and read and write are always good. It's a bit too cold and dreary to go for a walk. It's okay. 

Anyway, on with the questions, supplied, as always, but Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. Name something in the room you are grateful for.

Lucifer, my cat. Despite the fact he's a big annoyance, he is a delightful boy and he's kept me sane of this last very strange year. He also keeps me warm at night. 

2. Recall a favorite memory you are grateful for

Any memory which involves travelling I am truly grateful for. I miss travelling overseas. I love seeing new things. I think spending time at the shrine of Edward the Confessor in Westminster Abbey, long after it was closed to the public, is one of my favorite memories. It's such a special place. 

3. Who helped you today?

I had breakfast with some friends from meditation. They made me laugh. This helped me a lot. 

4. What possession makes your life easier?

Some possessions which come to mind include:

  • My laptop
  • My large array of comfortable shoes and boots
  • My array of wide-legged trousers - so much more comfortable than anything tight fitting
  • My glasses - so I can see properly
  • My backpack, which I use instead of a handbag (purse). Much more practical and it stops backache.

5. What’s the best thing that happened today?

Today, for the first time in over a year, we had meditation in person and Vivvie's place. It was great to be back with the group. It's a lot better having meditation with the group instead of doing it online. 

6. Name something in nature that you are grateful for.

Oh, that would be my resilience and inate intelligence. Sometimes this comes out as cunning, other times as street smarts, but these two things have got me through life fairly well. 

7. What painful experience helped you grow?

There have been a few too many to really name - I've learned from a lot of not great experieneces over the years. Having my legs stuck in plaster as a child (at a new school) gave a litany of horrid experiences by itself, but if you can survive stuff like that, you can survive anything. It's been the crux of things which taught be that crappy stuff is there to make you stronger. A hard lesson to learn when you're eight. 

8. What is your best skill?

I'm a pretty good writer when I'm not blogging. I also make fantastic melting moment/yoyo biscuits (cookies). 

9. What person in your past are you most grateful for?

My friend Reindert convinced me I could run at the age of forty. Running taught me a lot - and I am very, very grateful for Reindert's continued presence in my life, even if he is living in Colorado and we only get to chat once ever two months. Great guy.

10. What risk are you most grateful for taking?

Oh, I have a few of these. 

  • I'm grateful I quit a job I had and moved to Greece for a few months in the noughties - it taught me that you can give yourself soft landings, even if things don't work out. 
  • Moving to London when I was 23 was a huge risk
  • And continuing to write is always a risk, but that too is a good thing. I spend a bit on writing courses - hoping one day I'll recoup the funds. I see these as good risks. 
  • Each time I take on a new job, it brings new risks - and new friends. 

11. Name something/someone that makes you feel safe.

I rarely feel totally safe - though this is an irrational fear. Mind you, I always sleep better when there is somebody else sleeping in the house. 

12. Name a challenge you have overcome.

The thought of eating pickled herring was something I never thought I'd overcome. It took my Swedish housemates tying me down to try it. Love the stuff now. 

13. What small things are you grateful for today?

  • I got some writing done
  • I managed to get all of my chores done
  • I found something which I thought would take a lot longer - in the second shop I tried
  • We went back to in person mediation
  • I got a purr of the cat (this is a big thing)

14. What smell are you most grateful for?

Sounds silly, but I love the smell of dog and cat paws. I find it really comforting. 

15. What is your proudest accomplishment

Completing my Masters degree with a high distinction average. 

Today's Song:


Kwizgiver said...

I also love the smell of puppy toes (I don't know cat toes).

Linda Ronstadt--what a talent!

Bev Sykes said...

I've heard other people talk about dog and cat paws. My dog won't let me near her paws, so I don't know how they smell! But I remember puppy breath in the years when I was fostering dogs.

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

#4 - how could I forget my glasses? I am Mr Magoo without them.

#10 - Good for you. I wish I could take a few more risks.

#15 - Well done, Pand.




Me, Myself, and I said...

Obviously dog feet are a thing, lol. I used it in MY post. My dog's paws smell like Fritos (a corn chip here in the US).

CountryDew said...

I have always loved Linda Ronstadt. She had a set a pipes before Parkinson's came on.