I think, at times, I'm busier now that we're in lockdown. Today has been hugely busy. Work was busy.
On top of this:
- I did a lap of the Botanic Gardens with a friend at 7 am.
- Went and collected some gym equipment in St Kilda - this means I can do Pump classes from tomorrow.
- Saw Cleo, my trainer at 5 pm
- Had a masons meeting via Zoom.
With everything else in the day, I'm knackered.
So today, I'm sharing my 30 word story tweets.
And now, I'm off to bed.
WVFlashFic20@Writers_Vic#Peripheral— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 16, 2020
Her sight became a metaphor of her days. At the end, robbed of all but her peripheral vision, life was sharp around the edges, blurred in the middle vastness.
#WVFlashFic20 @Writers_Vic#Vague— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 17, 2020
‘Where were you?’
‘Nowhere special.’
She was being decidedly vague. She wouldn’t look him in the eye. Her lips were swollen.
‘Don’t you love me anymore?’
‘You need to ask?’
#WVFlashFic20 @Writers_Vic#Laser— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 18, 2020
She was something, that he could tell. Her eyebrows could have been drawn on with a laser, her red lips painted on with permanent intent. She was undoubtedly high -maintenance.
#WVFlashFic20 @Writers_Vic#Drift— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 19, 2020
Floating in the sea, I drift like flotsam and jetsam, encountering a sense of peace. The sun in my eyes, blinded, I disappear. Finally, I’m at one with the world.
@Writers_Vic#WVFlashFiction20#Sway— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 21, 2020
Michael Bublé crooned in the background. “Sway with me...”, His lush tones settled the dancefloor.
She sat, dejected, waiting for her personal romantic comedy to start. Where was her prince?
@Writers_Vic#WVFlashFic20#Spotlight— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 20, 2020
Pitch black, freezing cold, standing on the back of the ute, Sam held the spotlight firm.
The rabbit froze.
Dad’s shot rang true.
She hated abetting in killing tomorrow’s dinner.
@Writers_Vic#WVFlashFiction20#Centre— TrellawneyThom (@TrellawneyThom) April 22, 2020
He tried to centre himself, standing at the podium, a sea of black before him. He needed this to be perfect.
‘My father was never an easy man…” he stammered.
Today's Song:
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