Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Cheque

 I received a cheque in the mail today. 

A physical cheque.

For $11.68. 

This from an insurance company who made a slight error on my premiums between May 2017 and June 2019. 


And it's not so much that it's a dilemma, but...

Where can you bank a cheque now seeing that so many branches have closed? Where there used to be three ANZ branches in Richmond, they have been consolidated into one, on Bridge Road. There used to be one on Victoria Street, but that closed years ago. There was one on Swan Street, but that's not gone too. 

I would put the cheque in at a cash machine, but they're nearly all gone too. Like there used to be a cash machine on every street. Now, you almost have to go to a branch to find one. The cash machines which dispense money for all banks don't do deposits. I know that nobody uses cash anymore, but this is a bit ridiculous. 

And why did it take five years for this clerical error to come to light? (Okay, I know this one - I've worked in banks for long enough)

And do they take into consideration the utter inconvenience of sending a cheque for only to have to find a way to bank it. It's really not worth my time to go and bank it. 

Even though I will. It's the principle of it all.

Today's song: 

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