Today was a strange one. I was at home for the day, but I had a job interview, in my lounge room, over the computer. So between 2.30 and 3.30 I was talking to three people in Sydney about a job - which could be good if I get it, but seeing this is the second week of job hunting, if I don't get it, that's fine too. But they seemed like nice people - and it was a pretty rigorous interview.
Once the interview was over, I immediately took of my make up, got back into my active wear and went out for a coffee. It was all a bit surreal.
In line with my doing an hour of writing a day, I had nothing to write about - so I delved into the box - the Best Self Wordsmith box.

I pulled the card. "Write down 10 things on your bucket list."
Not a bad thing to write about.
So here, in no definite order, is my bucket list. This is a bit ironic as I have a meeting with the lawyer about my will tomorrow.
1. Write those books and get them published
Yes, yes, I know. The drafts are under way. One book is at 90000 words, the other at 20000 words. I need to get some priorities around this. But there is a bit of me that thinks I can write something as good as anything else out there that's published. It just has to be done. I'd rather be an author than an instructional designer/technical writer/process analyst, but I am a pragmatist and I like a roof over my head.
2. Walk the Camino Santiago de Compostella
Yes, I really, really want to take myself to the bottom of France and walk the 800 kilometres over to Santiago on the West coast of Spain. It will take a few weeks. It's a long haul thing. It will take planning. I'll probably take the wusses way out and have somebody haul my luggage. But I LOVE this idea. Now my leg has healed after corking my thigh, this is back in my sights.
3. Get a cat or two
I am told I have commitment issues. Okay, I do have commitment issues. But maybe one day I will overcome these and get my own cat - or two. I just travel too much to not feel guilty about having a cat.
4. Angkor Wat, Cambodia
This place looks fascinating. It is also bloody hot and in the middle of nowhere in Cambodia - so yeah, Angkor Wat is on the list.

5. Spend a month or two in New York
I've only been in New York for stopovers - just a few days at a time. I want to get to know this city that I've loved on film and television since I was a child. This also needs coin. Maybe find a job that takes me to New York. Become a famous writer who gets taken to New York for book launches.... we can dream. It's a great city. I can also pop back to Boston and some other places while I'm over there.
6. Piano Lessons
I was deprived of piano lessons as a child. I am quite musical and I played the flute at school, stopping lessons after year 10. I wish I could play the piano. I know it's something you can learn as an adult.
7. The PhD
Not supposed to talk about this, but I think I'd be an okay PhD candidate - something along the lines of working on a topic involving dystopian tropes and the zeitgeist in the creative writing field - praxis and exegesis (or somebody once called it exit Jesus... who know). It's in the back of my mind. I like a challenge, even if it may send me loopy in practice.
8. Get Married
I know. I've been terminally single all my life, but there is something that appeals to me about getting married - or at least shacking up with somebody. It's not that I don't like being single, I love it - but it would be wonderful to share my live with somebody, have somebody to travel with, share the cooking... I just like the idea of it. I don't need the big party or the frilly dress. I'd just like somebody to share my life with.
9. Live in England again
Inside, I'm a Pom. I've always been a Pom on the inside. I fit well in Britain. They accept eccentricities with far more grace over there. They don't put sales tax on books. The beer is more diverse, the pubs better, the chocolate more edible, there is a heap of old stuff to be explored, the documented history is older than 250 years, the weather suits me better even if the politics are on par to here. I just loved living there and I'd love to live there again - but this time legally.
10. Travel to the following place
Apart from New York, Spain and England, some places I'd like to visit:
Once the interview was over, I immediately took of my make up, got back into my active wear and went out for a coffee. It was all a bit surreal.
In line with my doing an hour of writing a day, I had nothing to write about - so I delved into the box - the Best Self Wordsmith box.

I pulled the card. "Write down 10 things on your bucket list."
Not a bad thing to write about.
So here, in no definite order, is my bucket list. This is a bit ironic as I have a meeting with the lawyer about my will tomorrow.
1. Write those books and get them published
Yes, yes, I know. The drafts are under way. One book is at 90000 words, the other at 20000 words. I need to get some priorities around this. But there is a bit of me that thinks I can write something as good as anything else out there that's published. It just has to be done. I'd rather be an author than an instructional designer/technical writer/process analyst, but I am a pragmatist and I like a roof over my head.
2. Walk the Camino Santiago de Compostella
Yes, I really, really want to take myself to the bottom of France and walk the 800 kilometres over to Santiago on the West coast of Spain. It will take a few weeks. It's a long haul thing. It will take planning. I'll probably take the wusses way out and have somebody haul my luggage. But I LOVE this idea. Now my leg has healed after corking my thigh, this is back in my sights.
3. Get a cat or two
I am told I have commitment issues. Okay, I do have commitment issues. But maybe one day I will overcome these and get my own cat - or two. I just travel too much to not feel guilty about having a cat.
4. Angkor Wat, Cambodia
This place looks fascinating. It is also bloody hot and in the middle of nowhere in Cambodia - so yeah, Angkor Wat is on the list.
5. Spend a month or two in New York
I've only been in New York for stopovers - just a few days at a time. I want to get to know this city that I've loved on film and television since I was a child. This also needs coin. Maybe find a job that takes me to New York. Become a famous writer who gets taken to New York for book launches.... we can dream. It's a great city. I can also pop back to Boston and some other places while I'm over there.
6. Piano Lessons
I was deprived of piano lessons as a child. I am quite musical and I played the flute at school, stopping lessons after year 10. I wish I could play the piano. I know it's something you can learn as an adult.
7. The PhD
Not supposed to talk about this, but I think I'd be an okay PhD candidate - something along the lines of working on a topic involving dystopian tropes and the zeitgeist in the creative writing field - praxis and exegesis (or somebody once called it exit Jesus... who know). It's in the back of my mind. I like a challenge, even if it may send me loopy in practice.
8. Get Married
I know. I've been terminally single all my life, but there is something that appeals to me about getting married - or at least shacking up with somebody. It's not that I don't like being single, I love it - but it would be wonderful to share my live with somebody, have somebody to travel with, share the cooking... I just like the idea of it. I don't need the big party or the frilly dress. I'd just like somebody to share my life with.
9. Live in England again
Inside, I'm a Pom. I've always been a Pom on the inside. I fit well in Britain. They accept eccentricities with far more grace over there. They don't put sales tax on books. The beer is more diverse, the pubs better, the chocolate more edible, there is a heap of old stuff to be explored, the documented history is older than 250 years, the weather suits me better even if the politics are on par to here. I just loved living there and I'd love to live there again - but this time legally.
10. Travel to the following place
Apart from New York, Spain and England, some places I'd like to visit:
- Japan
- Vietnam
- France - and do more than Paris
- Portugal
- Egypt
- Turkey
- Colorado - to see Reindert
- The Bungle Bungles and the Kimberlies
- Uluru and KataTjuta (They used to be called Ayre's Rock and The Olgas)
- More of the Northern Territory
- Robe, South Australia
- India again - next time Mumbai (Bombay), Rajasthan and more places down South.
- Mexico
- Argentina and Uraguay
- Israel
- Morocco
- South Africa - to see the animals and to eat Cap Malay curry and sosarties
- New Zealand - again
- Colombia
- Iceland
- Wilson's Promontory
- Byron Bay
- Ubud, Bali - it's my spiritual homeland
There are more places, but I love to travel - just a matter of making it happen.
Today's Song:
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