One of today's jobs was to clean out my tarot card shelf and have a cull. It's something I've been meaning to do for a while - it's also something that is a bit of a necessary evil.
I've been reading tarot cards for many years, using a variety of decks. But as the years have gone by, I've accumulated more and more cards - when really, I only use a couple of the decks regularly and others I haven't touched since I bought them. Being in what I loosely call 'povo mode', or keeping my discretionary spending down to a bare minimum while I'm between jobs, selling off some cards will may get me a bit more beer money.
So here is what I found on my tarot shelf:

23 decks of tarot, angel and creativity cards.
Oh, and the Cards Against Humanity set - which of course are not getting thrown out because they are awesome.
Of the decks, some need to stay. The deck in the purple bag are my reading decks. A standard Rider Waite and the majors from the Morgan Greer. I've been reading off these for over fifteen years. They're old friends. They stay.
There are a couple of decks I use at work - the Voyager and the Creative Whack Pack - they give you inroads into some situations that can open up new pathways - it's a holistic way of working, but it has some merit. They can stay.
I love the Inner Child tarot - they're based on fairy tales. They're handy for people who are a bit stuck - and dealing with childhood stuff. I've been dragging these out for certain situations for a long time.
The Osho Zen pack is another in regular use. Osho used to be known as the Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh - head of the Orange People back in the day. I've never been into the cult, but the cards are excellent. I use them for meditations and blessings.
The Symbolon deck is also good for meditations, blessings and getting to the crux of matters. They've also got a fairy tale aspect to them which I enjoy working with.
There's also the Transparent Tarot. The cards are clear plastic and you can stack them up. They're really fun to use, even if you have to dust them with talcum powder to stop them sticking together.
There are a couple of other decks - The Tarot of the New Visions - which displays what is going on behind the standard Rider Waite, The Klimt deck, which are just really pretty, and I resonate with some of the Goddess oracles.
The rest are being sold on. Those I don't resonate with anymore are going. What is it Marie Kondo says? Do they spark joy? Alas no. I will have new homes for them soon. I have meditation with my old tarot teacher on Saturday - she's always after reading decks for her students.
The daft thing is I love cards. A deck came in the mail the other day, but these will be useful. The Best Self Wordsmith pack have 150 writing prompts on them. It's good for novelling, short stories and journalling. Questions like "What career advice would you give your 16-year-old self?', "What is the dominant emotion in your life right now?' and "Where in the world would you like to travel?" Big open ended questions set out to get you writing. I think I'll be blogging a few of these questions as time goes by. This is what they were bought for.
But in the mean time, I have a bit more room on the card shelf and hopefully a bit more beer money coming in.
And if anybody is after a tarot reading, you know where to find me.
Today's song:
I've been reading tarot cards for many years, using a variety of decks. But as the years have gone by, I've accumulated more and more cards - when really, I only use a couple of the decks regularly and others I haven't touched since I bought them. Being in what I loosely call 'povo mode', or keeping my discretionary spending down to a bare minimum while I'm between jobs, selling off some cards will may get me a bit more beer money.
So here is what I found on my tarot shelf:

23 decks of tarot, angel and creativity cards.
Oh, and the Cards Against Humanity set - which of course are not getting thrown out because they are awesome.
Of the decks, some need to stay. The deck in the purple bag are my reading decks. A standard Rider Waite and the majors from the Morgan Greer. I've been reading off these for over fifteen years. They're old friends. They stay.
There are a couple of decks I use at work - the Voyager and the Creative Whack Pack - they give you inroads into some situations that can open up new pathways - it's a holistic way of working, but it has some merit. They can stay.
I love the Inner Child tarot - they're based on fairy tales. They're handy for people who are a bit stuck - and dealing with childhood stuff. I've been dragging these out for certain situations for a long time.
The Osho Zen pack is another in regular use. Osho used to be known as the Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh - head of the Orange People back in the day. I've never been into the cult, but the cards are excellent. I use them for meditations and blessings.
The Symbolon deck is also good for meditations, blessings and getting to the crux of matters. They've also got a fairy tale aspect to them which I enjoy working with.
There's also the Transparent Tarot. The cards are clear plastic and you can stack them up. They're really fun to use, even if you have to dust them with talcum powder to stop them sticking together.
There are a couple of other decks - The Tarot of the New Visions - which displays what is going on behind the standard Rider Waite, The Klimt deck, which are just really pretty, and I resonate with some of the Goddess oracles.
The rest are being sold on. Those I don't resonate with anymore are going. What is it Marie Kondo says? Do they spark joy? Alas no. I will have new homes for them soon. I have meditation with my old tarot teacher on Saturday - she's always after reading decks for her students.
The daft thing is I love cards. A deck came in the mail the other day, but these will be useful. The Best Self Wordsmith pack have 150 writing prompts on them. It's good for novelling, short stories and journalling. Questions like "What career advice would you give your 16-year-old self?', "What is the dominant emotion in your life right now?' and "Where in the world would you like to travel?" Big open ended questions set out to get you writing. I think I'll be blogging a few of these questions as time goes by. This is what they were bought for.
But in the mean time, I have a bit more room on the card shelf and hopefully a bit more beer money coming in.
And if anybody is after a tarot reading, you know where to find me.
Today's song:
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