For those not in Australia, we're in the grip of a crisis. The country is alight. Bushfires are burning across four states. Whole communities have been decimated. For those involved, its nightmarish. For we not directly affected by the blazes, we can only look on with a sense of hopelessness.
Adding to the sense of despair is the way in which our Federal Government have responded to this humanitarian, environmental and ecological impacts of all of this. They have been next to useless until the last few days. For the Americans out there, the early response was comparable to that of George W Bush when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Thankfully, very few people have been killed, but the estimates are of half a billion birds and animals have been wiped out. Yes, half a billion birds and animals. The land destroyed is currently standing an an area about the size of England (or Virginia) Friends have been evacuated from remote places. The army has been called in to help.

And all the time, we've been warned about this. We've been told. Our cretinous government have ignored the signs, weakened environmental safeguards and let the defunded the fire brigades.
Yeah, it's a riot around here at the the moment.
But we are hopeful for change. It appears the tide has turned on our Prime Moron - people have finally seen him for the odious, fundamentalist, tin-foil hat wearing dimwit that he is.

Anyway, I'll stop being gloomy and shouty and get on with these questions, which have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing as always.
1. January usually has ample amounts of snowfall in parts of the world. Did you ever make snow cream as a kid?
Ah, I'm in Australia. We don't see snow in January. Unfortunately with the fires, some places have been getting a hell of a lot of ash. The other day I could not see to the end of the road because of the smoke haze. The fires are 200 miles away and we still get the smoke haze so bad you can't see 200 metres to the end of the road.
January is about sunscreen and bug spray, not snow.
2. January is one of the months with 31 days. What are you going to do with that extra day?
Probably clean, write and look for work.
3. What is your favorite magazine?
I've stopped reading magazines. I used to be fond of Marie Claire. I read the New Yorker online - great reading.
4. If you live to be 99 years old, what would you like your life to be like in that last decade??
Hopefully active, fun and full of friends. I'm not sure I'd like to live that long.
5. The great world of Wikipedia tells me that scientists claim 99% of all documented species are extinct. Which remaining species in the 1% category would you really like to see extinct. And which species in the 99% category would you like to bring back?
Bit of a touchy subject at the moment, but I would love to see huntsman spiders made extinct and I'd love if they would bring back the thylacine. (Tasmanian Tiger).
6. On January 14, 1986 motorists were required for the first time to wear seat belts?
Do you always buckle up? Why or why not?
Okay, again, I'm Australian. Wearing seat belts has been law since the seventies. I always wear one. The only time I may take it off is if I collect my mail at the end of the driveway, then drive the last 50 metres down to the car port. They may occasionally be uncomfortable but they get worn.
Also, if you are driving the car and not wearing your seat belt, you get fined $330 and get three demerit points off your licences. It's another $330 for each passenger not wearing their seat belt. Good reason to wear it as far as I'm concerned.
However, in India, when you're in the back seat, you are not obligated to wear one. I find that when I'm overseas and in the back seat I may forget
7. Why did the cow jump over the moon?
It was scared of the green cheese.
8. Have you said anything in the last 24 hours that you regret?
I saw the movie Cats. It was pretty dire. To add insult to injury, I got a parking ticket while I was in the cinema.
9. Have you ever written anything on your blog that you wish you could take back?
No. I've had a few strange incidents, but nothing regrettable that I'd take back. I'm pretty careful about that sort of stuff,
10. Are you the blabber or the blabbee? Tell us your most embarrassing blabbermouth moment.
I try not to be either.
11. How important is a cell phone in your life?
Very. I'm trying to detox from it now I'm on sabbatical. It's not been successful so far.
12. A "cuisine" is typically influenced by and named after geographical regions and cultures. Pretend your blog is a country. What is the name of your cuisine?
Modern Australian.It is a cuisine.
13. You are the Blog Paparazzi! Which blogger's real photograph are you most interested in getting?
Hmm. No idea really. I would love to meet the Plastic Mancunian one day.
14. Are you always on time or just a tad late?
I'm often five minutes late. There is a greatness to my lateness. I'm punctual when I really need to be somewhere - like doctors appointments.
15. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?
Not really. I've been late for the odd job interview because of public transport problems, but I've had the foresight to ring ahead and let them know I was running late. Great thing about Melbourne is you can blame everything on the trams.
16. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?
17. When you are having a really good day, what usually makes it good?
Laughter and friends. Throw in a bit of exercise for good measure.
18. What is the most annoying Christmas song?
This. They played it a lot in England. Thankfully it's not heard here that often.
19. You are Snow White. Which dwarf is your favorite and why?
Dopey. I think that's self-evident. Oh, I read that as which dwarf are you. I still think my favourite would be Dopey. He's great and he doesn't have a beard. I don't like beards.
Today's song: They're an Adelaide band.
Adding to the sense of despair is the way in which our Federal Government have responded to this humanitarian, environmental and ecological impacts of all of this. They have been next to useless until the last few days. For the Americans out there, the early response was comparable to that of George W Bush when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Thankfully, very few people have been killed, but the estimates are of half a billion birds and animals have been wiped out. Yes, half a billion birds and animals. The land destroyed is currently standing an an area about the size of England (or Virginia) Friends have been evacuated from remote places. The army has been called in to help.
And all the time, we've been warned about this. We've been told. Our cretinous government have ignored the signs, weakened environmental safeguards and let the defunded the fire brigades.
Yeah, it's a riot around here at the the moment.
But we are hopeful for change. It appears the tide has turned on our Prime Moron - people have finally seen him for the odious, fundamentalist, tin-foil hat wearing dimwit that he is.
Anyway, I'll stop being gloomy and shouty and get on with these questions, which have been provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing as always.
1. January usually has ample amounts of snowfall in parts of the world. Did you ever make snow cream as a kid?
Ah, I'm in Australia. We don't see snow in January. Unfortunately with the fires, some places have been getting a hell of a lot of ash. The other day I could not see to the end of the road because of the smoke haze. The fires are 200 miles away and we still get the smoke haze so bad you can't see 200 metres to the end of the road.
January is about sunscreen and bug spray, not snow.
2. January is one of the months with 31 days. What are you going to do with that extra day?
Probably clean, write and look for work.
3. What is your favorite magazine?
I've stopped reading magazines. I used to be fond of Marie Claire. I read the New Yorker online - great reading.
4. If you live to be 99 years old, what would you like your life to be like in that last decade??
Hopefully active, fun and full of friends. I'm not sure I'd like to live that long.
5. The great world of Wikipedia tells me that scientists claim 99% of all documented species are extinct. Which remaining species in the 1% category would you really like to see extinct. And which species in the 99% category would you like to bring back?
Bit of a touchy subject at the moment, but I would love to see huntsman spiders made extinct and I'd love if they would bring back the thylacine. (Tasmanian Tiger).
6. On January 14, 1986 motorists were required for the first time to wear seat belts?
Do you always buckle up? Why or why not?
Okay, again, I'm Australian. Wearing seat belts has been law since the seventies. I always wear one. The only time I may take it off is if I collect my mail at the end of the driveway, then drive the last 50 metres down to the car port. They may occasionally be uncomfortable but they get worn.
Also, if you are driving the car and not wearing your seat belt, you get fined $330 and get three demerit points off your licences. It's another $330 for each passenger not wearing their seat belt. Good reason to wear it as far as I'm concerned.
However, in India, when you're in the back seat, you are not obligated to wear one. I find that when I'm overseas and in the back seat I may forget
7. Why did the cow jump over the moon?
It was scared of the green cheese.
8. Have you said anything in the last 24 hours that you regret?
I saw the movie Cats. It was pretty dire. To add insult to injury, I got a parking ticket while I was in the cinema.
9. Have you ever written anything on your blog that you wish you could take back?
No. I've had a few strange incidents, but nothing regrettable that I'd take back. I'm pretty careful about that sort of stuff,
10. Are you the blabber or the blabbee? Tell us your most embarrassing blabbermouth moment.
I try not to be either.
11. How important is a cell phone in your life?
Very. I'm trying to detox from it now I'm on sabbatical. It's not been successful so far.
12. A "cuisine" is typically influenced by and named after geographical regions and cultures. Pretend your blog is a country. What is the name of your cuisine?
Modern Australian.It is a cuisine.
13. You are the Blog Paparazzi! Which blogger's real photograph are you most interested in getting?
Hmm. No idea really. I would love to meet the Plastic Mancunian one day.
14. Are you always on time or just a tad late?
I'm often five minutes late. There is a greatness to my lateness. I'm punctual when I really need to be somewhere - like doctors appointments.
15. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?
Not really. I've been late for the odd job interview because of public transport problems, but I've had the foresight to ring ahead and let them know I was running late. Great thing about Melbourne is you can blame everything on the trams.
16. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?
17. When you are having a really good day, what usually makes it good?
Laughter and friends. Throw in a bit of exercise for good measure.
18. What is the most annoying Christmas song?
This. They played it a lot in England. Thankfully it's not heard here that often.
19. You are Snow White. Which dwarf is your favorite and why?
Dopey. I think that's self-evident. Oh, I read that as which dwarf are you. I still think my favourite would be Dopey. He's great and he doesn't have a beard. I don't like beards.
Today's song: They're an Adelaide band.
Hi Pand,
Never say never. I know an Aussie who married a friend of Mrs PM and he is from Melbourne.
If you are ever in England let me know. It's a lot smaller than Australia.
Also, the fires are horrific. I really feel for you guys. It is still headline news over here.
I hate that there are so many fires in Australia. It is just devastating. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!
Hope the fires get under control soon.
The fires sure are awful. I saw a link to donate when I booted up the laptop. Once I finish catching up I'm heading back to check it out.
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