I had a pyjama day today, the first one I've had in ages - and on a Friday. That's unheard of.
I did get up and get dressed. I even went to the gym and did a session with my trainer, Cleo, - and then came home, turned on the air conditioner, showered, cuddled the cat and binged watched some old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. It was all I was up to today.
Initially, I was looking forward to today - there's lots of things to do - ironing, washing, cuddling the cat, writing. Some friends and I were supposed to be going to see Hamlet in the Botanical Gardens tonight. Would have been a lovely night for it, if it wasn't for the smoke haze, which is sending the air quality readings up to the Very Unhealthy range. My eyes were stinging when I went to the gym. My lungs feel like they're filled with crap - I'm sucking on a ventolin more than normal.
The gym was interesting too. Cleo, my trainer, was worried about her daughter. She's been in Bateman's Bay over Christmas. She and her father were evacuating , spending the night in one of the coastal towns. She shared a video, taken by her ex. Brings it all home how close this is to friends and family. (Thankfully, her daughter is safely home in Melbourne now).
This was the view from my kitchen window.
I can normally see the city clearly. As it is, the council flats at the end of the road are gloomier than normal.
The pyjama day was needed. It's all very strained around here in Australia. The country is alight, there's next to no Federal leadership (Has anybody seen the Minister for the Environment? Yoohoo, Sussan Ley, where are you?)
Our Prime Minister is losing credibility by the minute. The anger towards this odious person is rising to the extent that we should probably not mention what the Dutch did to Johan de Witt in the 1672. His toes are still on display in a museum in The Hague.

I'm not suggesting we should string up Morrison and disembowel him for the angry masses to hack off his flesh - but I do wish him and his cronies gone from our political life, so we can get on with some sensible policies that address land management, emergency services, renewable energy and lots of other things which appear to make elitist, old white geezers froth at the mouth. We live in hope.
I have a bottle of gin on the fact he'll be gone by March. He should resign. He's a complete post turtle. (Story below)

Australia appears to have seen through Morrison's spin. It's just a pity it's taken half the country and over half a billion birds and animals to go up in flames. It's horrifying, heartbreaking and terrifying in equal measure.
But on the better side of things to report - I did my first spin class in well over four years yesterday.
This is a better kind of spin.
Somehow, maybe it's the muscle memory, maybe the fact I've been getting a lot of exercise in, maybe it's starting to rub off - but I did it. I did a spin class. I don't care if I was slow and barely touched the gears. I did it.

Coming out of the class, my face redness giving Barnaby Joyce a run for his money, drowned in sweat, thighs burning, I smiled for the rest of the night.
I did a spin class - and survived.
Small things make you happy in times like these.
This is the second time I've been off while disasters have been going off. Nine years ago, I was home looking for work as Cyclone Yasi, the Brisbane floods, the Christchurch earthquake and the Japanese tsunami occurred.
Then, as now, I took solace in binge watching more pleasant things. The West Wing. Buffy. Six Feet Under.
I've moved on to Lucifer and Grey's Anatomy for my avoidance viewing - with and eye on the newspapers and a daily look at the news to see what's going on.
It's grim.
Which is why we have this song for today. It has the word 'clusterfuck' in it. It's a bit of a theme around here at the moment.
Today's Song:
I did get up and get dressed. I even went to the gym and did a session with my trainer, Cleo, - and then came home, turned on the air conditioner, showered, cuddled the cat and binged watched some old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. It was all I was up to today.
Initially, I was looking forward to today - there's lots of things to do - ironing, washing, cuddling the cat, writing. Some friends and I were supposed to be going to see Hamlet in the Botanical Gardens tonight. Would have been a lovely night for it, if it wasn't for the smoke haze, which is sending the air quality readings up to the Very Unhealthy range. My eyes were stinging when I went to the gym. My lungs feel like they're filled with crap - I'm sucking on a ventolin more than normal.
The gym was interesting too. Cleo, my trainer, was worried about her daughter. She's been in Bateman's Bay over Christmas. She and her father were evacuating , spending the night in one of the coastal towns. She shared a video, taken by her ex. Brings it all home how close this is to friends and family. (Thankfully, her daughter is safely home in Melbourne now).
This was the view from my kitchen window.
I can normally see the city clearly. As it is, the council flats at the end of the road are gloomier than normal.
The pyjama day was needed. It's all very strained around here in Australia. The country is alight, there's next to no Federal leadership (Has anybody seen the Minister for the Environment? Yoohoo, Sussan Ley, where are you?)
Our Prime Minister is losing credibility by the minute. The anger towards this odious person is rising to the extent that we should probably not mention what the Dutch did to Johan de Witt in the 1672. His toes are still on display in a museum in The Hague.
I'm not suggesting we should string up Morrison and disembowel him for the angry masses to hack off his flesh - but I do wish him and his cronies gone from our political life, so we can get on with some sensible policies that address land management, emergency services, renewable energy and lots of other things which appear to make elitist, old white geezers froth at the mouth. We live in hope.
I have a bottle of gin on the fact he'll be gone by March. He should resign. He's a complete post turtle. (Story below)
Australia appears to have seen through Morrison's spin. It's just a pity it's taken half the country and over half a billion birds and animals to go up in flames. It's horrifying, heartbreaking and terrifying in equal measure.
But on the better side of things to report - I did my first spin class in well over four years yesterday.
This is a better kind of spin.
Somehow, maybe it's the muscle memory, maybe the fact I've been getting a lot of exercise in, maybe it's starting to rub off - but I did it. I did a spin class. I don't care if I was slow and barely touched the gears. I did it.

Coming out of the class, my face redness giving Barnaby Joyce a run for his money, drowned in sweat, thighs burning, I smiled for the rest of the night.
I did a spin class - and survived.
Small things make you happy in times like these.
This is the second time I've been off while disasters have been going off. Nine years ago, I was home looking for work as Cyclone Yasi, the Brisbane floods, the Christchurch earthquake and the Japanese tsunami occurred.
Then, as now, I took solace in binge watching more pleasant things. The West Wing. Buffy. Six Feet Under.
I've moved on to Lucifer and Grey's Anatomy for my avoidance viewing - with and eye on the newspapers and a daily look at the news to see what's going on.
It's grim.
Which is why we have this song for today. It has the word 'clusterfuck' in it. It's a bit of a theme around here at the moment.
Today's Song:
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