Sunday, April 11, 2021

Morning Meme

It's my last day of holiday (vacation) and part of me wants another week but the other part is happy to be going back to work on Monday. I've not got half of what I wanted to done, but it's been a good break. And the Mason's books are done, so this is an acheivement. 

Regardless, on with questions as I need to get baking. 

Questions, as always, come from Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. You have just been hired to clean your own home, what is your first complaint?

I've never had a cleaner, but I can hear them moaning about the dusting and the floors. I hate both jobs with a passion. Now I have floorboards down, I'm a bit better with the floors. Still, I hate dusting. 

2. Are you able to ignore a ringing telephone?

Yes. I ignore the landline around here all the time - however, I do check the number coming through on the mobile and will see if I answer or let it go through to voicemail. I'm getting better at ignoring it as it sets off my fitbit. A quick glance and you can see who it is. 

3. How often do you allow a ringing phone to go to voice mail?

Regularly. See above. 

4. Do you answer your cell phone, out in public, every time it rings? Or do you silence it and get back to it when you’re in a more private area?

My phone is on silent/vibrate all the time. I will occasionally answer if I deem the call necessary, or text the person back saying call you soon. Mum has a habit of calling while I'm at the gym - that goes through to voicemail regularly. If I'm out, unless it's obviously urgent (or work during office hours) I'll leave it, or take it outside. I also try not to talk to people when I'm on public transport. I hate that so those calls remain quick. 

5. How often would you say you’re on your home phone? Your cell phone?

One of this week's jobs is to get rid of my landline. It never gets used. Pointless having it.The only people who call me on it are telemarketers. I'm on the mobile 2-3 time a day for calls. 

6. Do you like talking on the phone or do you view it as a necessary communication tool?

I'm a texter and emailer, but you need the phone. It is a necessary communication toold. There are only a few people I sit and talk on the phone to. Also, I use WhatsApp, Teams, Zoom and Facebook Messenger a lot for communication tools.

7. When did you last go for a bike ride?

Many many years ago when I was in a triathlon. That was like eight or nine years ago. I'm on a stationary bike regularly at the gym, but that doesn't count. 

8. Do you own a bike?


9. Given the most popular New Year’s resolution of losing weight, would you consider putting bicycle riding as one of your exercise options? Why or why not?

Would I ride a bike - no. You need a helmet over here and I don't have one. Also, I'm challenged by balance at the best of times. You can't fall off runners, you can bikes. I'm also scared of the driver around here. I'm not a fan of bike riding, though I can ride a bike. 

10. If you had to name a smell that always makes you nostalgic, what would it be? What sorts of memories does the smell evoke?

Old Spice and Juicy Fruit chewing gum reminds me of my father. 

11. What did you do over the weekend? No detail is too small. This is your journal, so tell us about the mundane tasks in your life.

It's been a big weekend. On Friday night I was out at the Myer Music Bowl seeing an aboriginal group called Spinifex Gum, who were excellent. Yesterday, I was down the Mornington Peninsula at a Gin High Tea. And today, I'm baking biscuits to give to Barney's Dad who's over from Tasmania and he turned 80 last week. It's his birthday party this afternoon at Blarney and Barney's place. I've blogged about Friday night and yesterday. See links. 

12. If it weren’t for my blog, I’d _________.

Probably be further into my novel. And nobody would know what I'm up to. 

13. When was the last time you replied “because I said so”? Do you find yourself saying that a lot? Or do you prefer to tell people WHY you want them to do something for you.

I don't think I've ever said that - probably because I don't have kids. I tend to tell people why I want them to do something - you have more chance of them doing it. It's an old trainer habit. 

14. What is the worst gift you’ve ever received?

Oh, that would be an unwanted sex toy. I've received them a couple of times and really didn't appreciate them. The thing about sex toys, they're a personal thing. A bit too personal to be given as a gift outside of a hens (batchelorette) party or from an intimate partner. 

Oh, and I remember receiving this dreadful bottle green sweater with koalas on it from workmates when I was leaving for England. It was dire. I exchanged it for a plain black t-shirt with Adelaide embroidered on it in black thread. Much more my thing. 'Spose it's the thought that counts. 

15.  Tell us the worst gift you’ve ever given. What was the reaction of the recipient?  

Oh, that would be a garden gnome for my friend Mariah. That was funny. The look on her face was priceless. Her father used to use it as something to aim for as he backed out of the driveway. 

Today's song:


songbird's crazy world said...

That poor gnome.

Kwizgiver said...

This makes the second time I've randomly heard that song this weekend!

Lolasdiner said...

My Dad wore Old Spice too. My son also does, but I won’t let him get the original scent, he gets one of the sporty scents.
I love gnomes! I only have one and he only comes out to stand next to the Christmas tree.

Me, Myself, and I said...

Eeek. Sex toys as a present. Nope, just nope. That's just personal for me.