Monday, April 19, 2021

Not again...

 From the sublime to the ridiculous, our fucking Federal government are at it again. 

This time, they're trying to teach kids about respectful relationships. 

And once again, they are missing the mark. 

Have a look. Seriously, have a look at the video. 

It's got the feel of those 1960s sex education films they used to show way back when. 

But instead of creepy people talking about sex, they have over-exuberant actors mashing food into each other's faces. 

Surely, the Federal Government has an inkling that the children of Australia are a little more sophisticated than this. The offical website has the feel of some strange, charasmatic Christian website

Women's groups and rape prevention are crying foul - and rightly so. 

It feels like something out of Utopia. 

Surely, surely, we can do better than this for all concerned. 

Christ on a bike. 

Today's song:

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