Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Next Round of 30 word stories

Oops. I've spent the night lying on the bed reading. I forgot about my blog. Sign of a good book - not really - but it was a great diversion after a pretty full on day at work. 

Anyway, here are my Writer's Victoria 30 word stories for the last ten days. They're not my best work, but the last ten days have not been easy. But here we go. Because I really want to get back to my book. Which is nearly finished:


Sitting by the Ganges, watching as the pyres burn away to ashes, my eyes betray my inner peace. This is not a spectacle. Not some unsubstantiated horror. This is life.


Nose crinkled, eyes reddened, she tried to hold back the convulsions her chest was making. She hated having her feelings on display, but his rejection took her by surprise.


She savoured the chocolate’s feel, slowly unwrapping the sweet morsel, delighting in the crumpling paper and the titbit’s silky feel, ignoring the bite her daughter had taken from its centre.


She followed the recipe to the letter, swirling, folding, creaming, rolling, but to no avail. Her reputed brown thumbs had turned her  simple choc-chip cookies to blackened puddles of goo.


Atop the garage roof, he unfurled his cape, his arm extended in triumphant salute. “I’m Superman, here to save the planet!” he cried.  David then discovered his plan’s biggest flaw.


Emerging from a Fentanyl haze, she scoped the recovery room for a clock. How long was she  out? She couldn’t feel her nose. She understood the draw of the addict.


It wasn’t her expanding waist, the mood swings or the hot flashes that her caused dismay. The menopause was slowly killin her spirit, love life and most importantly, her lifeforce.


One thousand origami cranes surrounded her daughter’s coffin aloft on a bier, symbols of everyday devotion, hope, healing.  But healing for who? Nothing would ever, could ever diminish her pain.


The cards will reveal what they reveal,’ murmured the fortune-teller, frowning as she turned the cards. ‘Death is not death.” But I didn’t trust the knowing look behind her eyes.


The only way to explore a new city, was at twilight, after a rainstorm. She padded the wet, cobbled Toledo streets, awestruck by the stone and light, awash with deja-vu.


I learned to crochet on my grandmother’s lap. Hands, cellaphane-translucent gently take mine in tow. Hook held firm, wool-looped fingers, voice forever patient, she created muscle memories, forever cherished.

They're not my greatest work, but I do enjoy doing these every day.

I can go back to my book now. 

Today's Song:

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