Monday, September 28, 2020

Food for Thought

 Level Four Lockdown: Day Fifty-Seven

Curfew. Lifted 5 a.m. this morning. 

Mood:   Better now I know what this bloody song is about. 

Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Twenty-Eight

'I'm a prima donna...'

I love a good malapropism and this one takes the cake.

I've had today's song of the day in my head most of the weekend. For the life of me, yesterday afternoon I could not give you the name of the song, let along the name of the band. I really only thought I knew the first line of the song, which I've always sung as "I'm a prima donna..."

I love the saxaphone in this. I rather like reggae - not all reggae all the time, but a little bit of it goes down well. But the mix of the sax and the bass and the drums and the strange lyrics make it great. 

So last night, earworm throbbing, I went online. What was this mysterious song? Who sings it. Will it make my seventies inspired song of the day listing?

Well, not quite. It was released in February 1980. I was 12 when then happened. But as it's two months out I'll let it through. 

Into google goes the first line.... 'I'm a prima donna...".

And the first thing to come up - UB40's Lost and Found

The song I've had stuck in my head for the last three days. It's a sax riff I've loved since I first heard it as a teenager, back before I loved the Pixies - indeed before the Pixies even existed. 

I just love that everybody else appears to have been singing the first line incorrectly. It isn't 'I'm a prima donna, diving in the dust", it's 'Ivory Madonna dying in the dust."

I really don't care. As earworms go, this is a good one. 

I'm singing the sax solo in my head. 

Today's song:

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