Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Random Crap

Level Four Lockdown: Day Thirty-Seven
Curfew. 8 p.m.
Mood:  Middling. Wanting the wind to go away
Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Eight

This was an exercise given to us on Sunday at Dev's Write Here, Write Now session.

The aim. Write down random crap about yourself that people don't know about you. Just random stuff.

Strangely, when you're writing a novel, this is a great exercise as you can use some of this stuff on your characters in one way or another.

So, here I go, 21 random facts about me.

  1. I cannot tell my left from right apart - never have, never will. I have to check which is my left hand by making an L with my left thumb and forefinger. I do this at least once a day. 
  2. Despite not knowing my left from right, I have a near perfect sense of direction and rarely get lost. I can go somewhere, then go back and find it ten years later no issue. 
  3. Ice cream must be eaten with a teaspoon - not a tablespoon or dessert spoon - it makes it last longer. 
  4. I put tomato sauce of lots of things that people don't normally. Eggs is the big one. Unless its Eggs Benedict, I put tomato sauce on eggs. And quiche. And shepherd's pie. This offends quite a few people. 
  5. I am the designated driver most of the time. And I will drive anything, quite happily. I learned to drive on a tractor when I was nine. 
  6. My favourite smell in the world is that of dog's paws, early in the morning. 
  7. When in Europe, I love going cathedral hunting. I'll spend hours just poking around these incredible buildings. 
  8. I sleep on my stomach. The cat likes this - when I go to bed, once the light is off, the cat comes and stands on my arse until I make room from him between my knees. Most mornings, I wake up and he's still there. That's his spot.
  9. I have a novelty Santa soap dispenser on my windowsill. I won it at a Christmas in July party a few years ago after winning the Christmas Quiz. It's never been filled with soap. I've been banned from participating in the Christmas quiz because I've won too many times. 
  10. I'm petrified of going down stairs and escalators. Fell down them too many times when I was a young child. 
  11. My most formative memory as a child was being called out for being a cripple when I was four years old. My legs were in calipers for a year when I was four. 
  12. I like men with hairy chests. Not doormat hairy, but just enough, more than a smatttering. 
  13. I'd turn lesbian for Juliette Binoche. 
  14. I don't find it strange that I can believe in both God and Science at the same time. I don't think this is hedging my bets. I'm firm in my belief in both. 
  15. As a practicing witch, I own a broom, bells, tarot cards and crystals. And I know how to use them. People find this strange. 
  16. I bonded over one friend when I cleaned and activated his crystal for him - when I got it from him it was cloudy - it came back looking like glass. 
  17. I love taking photos. 
  18. I don't like the following:  Adele, Ed Sheeran, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo novels, the English version of The Office, huntsman spiders, snakes. 
  19. I have a small tattoo on my hip. It's the Chinese symbol for love, it's about the size of my thumbnail and I've had it over twenty years. The last person to see it tried to rub it off with a bit of spit on the end of his finger.
  20. I would love to be able to go swimming every day. 
  21. I love cider but I don't drink it much, and never to excess. It makes me horny. 

 Today's song:

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