Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September Check October Goals

Level Four Lockdown: Day Fifty-Nine

Mood: Grumpy - it's been a long day

Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Thirty

It's been a long work day. They happen, they're frustrating and make for a long day - bit it's nothing that a session in the park hauling weights does't partly fix.

So, it's monthly check in day. I'm not going to mess around tonight. Too tired. 

My September goals were: 

Walk 100 kilometres over the month.

Though not perfectly attained, exercise was maintained over the month. I'm good with this. Still exercising 4-6 times a week. 

Read fifty pages a day

This was done - no perfectly, but I read four books over September. I read:

  • Below Deck by Sophie Hardcastle
  • City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Black Rock, White City by AS Patric
  • Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeild

Write three chapters of the novel

This got done. Wish I'd done more. Unfortunately a lot of this will need to be scrapped. Ah well. 

Clean out the spare room

Yeah, didn't happen. Mind you, I have a virtual flat inspection that needs to be done by the end of next week - oh what fun. So some cleaning will be done this weekend. 

Take a black and white photo a day

Did this. Loved this. I really enjoy taking photos. What made this harder was not being able to go out of a 5 km radius. I've posted the photos every day, It's been fun. 

And get the mason's books done

Yeah - still haven't finished these, but they are on the way. Again, not being able to go out of a 5 km radius means I can't get the books to where they need to go. On the good side of things, I had my tax done today - this is a big win. 

And my goals for October:

Continue reading 50 pages a day.

This is good for me. I like this challenge.

Exercise for an hour a day.

Again, this one keeps me sane. And doable. One day a week can be a stretch class / Pilates or something along those lines. 

Get the mason's books done. 

This is getting a bit silly. It just needs to be done. 

Write 500 words of the novel each day

I have to get serious with this novel. The Faber Course is over and I really, really want this. 

Keep discretionary spending down to an absolute minimum.

Time to get saving. So let's see what can be done. I know I have a big bill in November, so I need to save some cash. 

Get a hug from somebody who isn't a cat

I get my cuddles from cats at the moment. I want a hug from a human. Hoping after 19 October, or sometime this month I can get a surrepticious hug of somebody. What Dan don't know don't hurt him.

Goals done. Now to bed. 

Today's Song: 

Vale Helen Reddy. 

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