Sunday, September 6, 2020

Personal Development

Level Four Lockdown: Day Thirty-Five

Curfew. 8 p.m.


Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Six

I am sitting in a Gunna's Write Here Write Now class hoping to get some inspiration for the Furious Fiction, which is due in at midnight. The cat is being annoying, but I still love the bugger. (and I have nearly finished the Furious Fiction - well at least I have a draft)

We are going to be pretty much in lockdown for another next six weeks. We've got some relaxing of a few of the rules from next weekend, but it is going to be a long slow process to get out of this. Ho hum. I'm just grateful that I have a job I can do from home, I'm solvent and most of my friends are on Zoom. But still. It looks like it will be another six weeks of this crap. 

Anyway, I'll stop moaning. I like the questions this week, provided by Bev, at Sunday Stealing, as always. 

1. A person I like and why I like them

I like my best mate Blarney because she makes me laugh - and we are polar opposites but we still accept each other. 

2. A famous person I’ve been compared to.

I'm not really like anybody, but I've been told I look like the SuperNanny quite a bit. But my nose is not that big.

Image result for supernanny

3. Best thing that happened to me this week

It's been a strange week, maily because the full moon sent me six ways from Sunday, but other than talking to a new friend on the phone on Wednesday night, I think getting out and exercising has done me the world of good. We can't do much in Melbourne at the moment, so you have to take any time you get out of the house as a good thing. 

4. Weird things I do when I’m alone.

I don't think they're that weird, but I do a lot if reading, writing and watching telly - and talking to the cat. Lucifer is like a teenager at the best of times. The cat and I have great conversations. 

5. How I’d spend $10,000

I see ten grand as a really, really good holiday. I could stay in Bali for a month - do that sound healing course in Ubud and love somewhere really nice for that month. That would be with airfares and the rest - okay, this was all before coronavirus, but it is still a nice thought - of three weeks in England - but that appears to be a bit of a no-go area at the moment. 

6. My last night out in detail

I live in Melbourne - we've been in semi-lockdown since mid March. But the last night I went out, I had a posh dinner at my friend Jonella's place. We got takeaway from one of the poshest restaurant in town (Attica) drank French champagne and had a wonderful night. God knows when we'll be able to do this again (actually from the roadmap, it looks like that will be in late October).

7. Something that makes me sad when I think about it.

My cousin in America lost his daughter to renal failure late last week. She was a month and a day old. Terribly sad stuff. There was nothing that could have been done to save her.

8. Something I’m currently worrying about

That Trump will get back into power in November. He's really scary. 

9. Something I do without realizing.

Use the word that. I have to take out all the thats when I write because there are so many of them and they are wasted words.

I'm also known for sucking my thumb when I'm tired. 

10. A drunken story

On night, in London, I went out for work drinks with my friend Lachlan. We were pretty drunk. We ended up daggy dancing in Soho clubs late into the night. We walked around Covent Garden hand in hand, mainly so we didn't lose each other. We ended up in a sex shop at one stage. It was a very strange night - but neither of us have forgotten how much fun we had. I think I was poured into a cab at about 3 am. The stupid things you do when you're young. 

11. Something I regret

Je ne regrette rien, as Edith Piaf used to sing. I half regret taking the job I had before this one as it was terrbily stressful and played with my health. I have one major regret from twenty years ago, but I think that was more a 'Sliding Doors' moment, and I took the other door. I'd like to have seen what happened if I did what I maybe should have done. I regret swallowing my feelings. I'll leave it at that. 

12. 5 things within touching distance.

Around me I have the cat on the windowsill (see picture), my navy blue mask, my hairbrush, my phone and my thesaurus (because sometimes Shift-F7 doesn't cut the mustard).  Pretty standard desk stuff. 

13. Something I’ve lied about

I've lied about my feelings towards a few things for a while. It's easier that way. Trying to sort these feelings out now. In the words of the Hot Priest, it will pass.

14. Lyrics that apply to my current mood

“I get knocked down, But I get up again, You’re never going to keep me down”.(Chumbawumba, Tubthumping)

15. My longest relationship

My longest friendships started at uni. My friends Bernadette, Geetangeli and Mariah I met all around the same time and we're still in contact. 

My longest relationship - oh, that's a hard question. I'm not counting my friend in Sydney. I had an on-again/off again boyfriend in London for about two years. It was loose and casual, but it was a rewarding. That was a very long time ago. 

Today's song:


LA Paylor said...

if you think you're scared of "dump" (he who must not be named) then you should live in America... we are scared of him big time. And his followers... even if a miracle happened and he didn't manipulate the election, his followers still believe his rants.

Kwizgiver said...

That show link is quite something! I've got to track it down so I can watch it. Hot priest, indeed!

Lori said...

That show looks amazing! Loved the clip.
The stupid things we do when we are true. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

Plastic Mancunian said...

#8 - I worry about that too.

Did you know that your ex-PM Tony Abbott has been appointed as a trade advisor in the UK?

I despair - I really do.




Bev Sykes said...

Great cat pic. And so many of us agree with you on #8. I am starting to think that he really might win. Shudder.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I had started to watch that show but kicked it. It is smart and funny though.
Love your little kittah! Really cute. I think black cats are more talkative that the other colors. But that's just me.

We are all worried about #45. America will go down if he's "re-elected" Plugged in is a better word for what happened last time, and it's not lost on any one here. God Help us.

Enjoy your week and your classes..

Lola said...

I LOVE Chumbawumba!