Sunday, September 20, 2020


 Level Four Lockdown: Day Forty-Nine

Curfew. 9 p.m 

Mood:   Good - I got to see some friends today, in the flesh. Yay. 

Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Twenty

Seven weeks into this lockdown and things are looking up. 14 new cases today (and remember we have a population of about 6 million here in Victoria). They've also relaxed the restrictions, so I was able to meet my kid brother in the park and was able to go out to see Blarney, who is well out of my 5 km radius. There is still no traffic on the roads. It's very peaceful - may as well enjoy it while it lasts. 

Today was a good day.

Questions, as always, brought to you by Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. A person I’m glad to have in my life.

Jonella and Blarney, for different reasons. Both are good friends, but they have very different functions in my life. Oh, and all of my writing group from the Faber course. they're all awesome. 

2. Something I find comfort in.

Ice cream. Always have done, always will do. And my cat. He's awesome too. 

3. My favorite part of the morning

When I go get my coffee. Preferably at a coffee shop. But my mornings start with a shower. That's when I really wake up.

4. My favorite memory

Stepping foot in England in 1991. I felt like I has arrived home. 

5. An accomplishment I’m proud of

Obtaining my Masters degree. That was a lot of work, but I did well in it. Never thought I was smart enough to get a Masters. 

6. An opportunity I’m grateful for

Taking up the spot at the Faber Academy. It has been a brilliant six months of writing. Now to keep it going.

7. My favorite song (and why)

Australian Crawl's Reckless. It reminds me of so many good times - and it is a great song. 

8. A future event I’m excited about.

Any time in the future when I get to hop on a plane and travel somewhere - anywhere! I miss travelling. I hope we will be able to do this soon. 

9. My favorite area in my home.

My bed, in my bedroom. I share the bed with the cat. It's comfortable and quiet in there. 

10. Something beautiful I saw today.

It was great just to be on the Tan Track today (the Tan Track is the running track around the Botanical Gardens). I haven't been there due to the lockdown restrictions for a few months. There were lots of very cute dogs there too. 

11. My guilty pleasure.

Binge watching any one of the following: Suits, Fleabag, Lucifer, The Good Wife, The West Wing. 

12. Something I love about a family member

My sister is incredibly strong. How anybody gets through losing a child, I have no idea. 

13. A compliment that made me feel good

Somebody once said I was like a steam train - no not full of hot air and rather awkward, but I was strong, a little old fashioned and strangely beautiful. 

14. The item I treasure the most.

Sounds strange, but I have some of my grandmother's pots and pans, her collander and egg beater. I love them all, and they get used regularly. 

15. My favorite part about nature

Just being outside - rare at the moment. I love being near water. 

16. A book I loved reading

I adored Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North so much that when I finished it, I went straight back to the first page. That never happens. 

17. A freedom I’m grateful for

This will sound strange, but I am so happy I'm Australian and we have compulsory voting (well it is compulsory to turn up) and it is done on paper and we don't have people trying to take away our vote or an electoral college which can overturn the popular thought. This may not be seen as a freedom, but I think it is. You are impelled to have your say. 

18. My favorite part of the evening.

I love watching sunsets. Love them. 

19. One good thing that happened today.

I got to leave my 5 km radius and go see Blarney. As we now have bubbles, and we can leave the 5 km radius to see your bubble buddy, this was brilliant. We had a beer on the front porch. It was wonderful. I also saw my Punjabi kid brother too. And we had an author talk this afternoon. It's been a really social day - first one in months. 

20. How I show gratitude for my friends.

I will always say thank you, but I will make yo-yo biscuits, my grandmother's recipe, when I want to go above and beyond. 

Today's Song:


The Gal Herself said...

Josh or Sam ... Sam or Josh ... as you can see, I've been bingeing on The West Wing, too!

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

#8 - Me too. My answer was almost the same.

Your song for today brings back a lot of good memories.




Lori said...

I have some treasures from my Grandma too. It makes me feel close to her. I love that. Loved your answers! Have a great day!

Kwizgiver said...

I think I'm going to binge-watch The West Wing next.

CountryDew said...

I like your "Freedom" thought. We are so screwed over here in the USA. We're so busy with our "freedumb to" (have a gun, be an idiot, etc.), that we cannot see that we would be better off with freedom from - poverty, illness, the electoral college, etc.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

You are definitely smart enough to have a Masters.
And that is such a cute compliment in 13.
Your loving tribute to your sister. Remember, you give her strength, too, in that terrible time.
Hope you get to travel again soon. We'll all see how it goes, but can at least hope for the best in, "this best of all possible worlds".. eh? Much love!