Thursday, September 24, 2020

Petty Grievances

 Level Four Lockdown: Day Fifty-Three

Curfew. 9 p.m 

Mood:  Frustrated

Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Twenty-Four

I think I need a whinge. I haven't had one for a while and I've got nothing else to talk about today.

And I know that my petty grievances are a mix of  too long in lockdown and firts world problems, but I'll put them out there. 

I have ten minutes to write these down, to stop this list getting too big.

  1. It's going to be 12 tomorrow. Last weekend it was 25. I've had to get my ugg boots out again. 
  2. The cat scratched me today. I was stirring him up so I spose it serves me right. 
  3. The system I used most at work has been an utter bastard and I had to do everything I did today three times as it kept losing my changes.
  4. I need a few days off to do some writing. 
  5. I really want to go out with my friends for a fancy dinner. 
  6. I really wish I could get my legs waxed. I look like a tarantula - not that anybody is seeing them, it's for me.
  7. The internet has been really slow today - made doing pump this evening really hard. 
  8. Everything the Federal Government lays its hands on at the moment. 
  9. I need another two hours in the day so I can read and write for an hour more (and exercise, and clean)
  10. I still haven't done the mason's books - and I really don't want to.

I look at this list (ten minutes it took to write) and I can see how utterly blessed I am.

Still, you need to have a whine every now and then.

That feels better. Tomorrow morning I'll get up, go for a walk, get in a few groceries and a coffee on the way home and life will be back to normal. 

Today's Song:

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