Saturday, September 19, 2020

Vale Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Level Four Lockdown: Day Forty-Eight

Curfew. 9 p.m 

Mood:  A touch sad

Black and White Photo Challenge: Day Nineteen

I'm not sure what saddens me more - that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is no longer with us, or the political sniping which has already started across the Pacific. 

That the woman has passed is immensely sad, but then again, she was 85, she was ill-pancreatic cancer and she'd been working non-stop for the last 70 odd years of her life. An intellectual giant, who allegedly needed little sleep, she was placed on the Supreme Court bench by Bill Clinton, where she stayed, a paragon of decency for the last 27 years. She was a patron of the arts, instrumental in advancing civil and women's rights, and generally, just a bloody good egg. A Jewish girl from South Brooklyn, she kicked down doors, kept her head high and never lost her dignity. 

That's she's gone is scary. Her dissenting votes and their corresponding papers are as legendary as her jabots. That she was a pocket rocket who in her eighties could plank like a soldier, even better.

But her death is starting to bring out all of the not jobs, wing nuts and conspiracy theorists. The knowledge that Trump may push through another Conservative judge on the bench is so frighting, knowing this will set back the American judicial system back decades. It could also see the overturning of many Civil and Women's rights precedencts - including the pivotal Roe vs Wade.

But why am I so upset about this, seeing this octogenarian was a Supreme Court judge in a county on the other side of the world? Well, other than she's been a personal hero to me for many years, I just feel for the women and minorities of the US who've lost an ally. And with all that is going on over there at the moment, they need every ally they can get. 

She's certainly made her mark on the world. We need more like her. 

Today's Song:

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