Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Home Made Spring Rolls

Elimination Diet Day Three

Don’t try and tell me gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol and caffeine is boring.

Tonight, I made spring rolls for dinner. Gluten, dairy and sugar free.

I took half a box of mushrooms and chopped them up finely and tossed in a frypan.

I did the same with a chicken breast, throwing the diced breast in with the mushrooms.

Add to that a thumb of grated ginger and some garlic, a tablespoon of soy sauce and a tablespoon of oyster sauce. And okay technically oyster sauce has a bit of sugar in it, but yeah, I’ll wear it. It’s not like I’ve gone and eaten a doughnut

When all was cooked off, I took half a bag of coleslaw mix (no dressing) and tossed that through in the pan with the rest of the mix until it has slightly softened.

This was then rolled into soldiers in rice paper sheets, then gently fried off for a minute or two each side. 

They were bloody brilliant.

Yes, I would’ve liked to have them with some of my colleague’s plum sauce that she gifted the team a few weeks ago, but on their own, they were fabulous.

If I can find a few more recipes like this, this regime may be easier.

Today's song:

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