Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Blondening

Vanity, thy name is Pandora. 

Last night's trip to the hairdresser was a bit more expensive that I was expecting. Why? I've had my hair lightened. I think they call it balayage. If you don't see my very often, you'd probably not notice it at all. And it looks natural. And I rather like it. 

It was done on a whim. 

But I don't get how people can be blonde. Sure, there are lots out there where this is their natural colour - but it's the upkeep! My wonderful hairdresser was telling me that there are people who come to see her every six weeks and spend up near $300 to have their hair done. 

As a basic sort of person, who gets a cut and semi-permanent every three months, and the roots filled in between, I'm a pretty low maintenance. 

But last night, after a chat, we decided on the balayage, while filling in the roots, with the hope that the slightly lighter hair will take away some of pressure on keeping on my normal colour for keeping the greys at pay (i.e. blondes don't show their greys like we brunettes). 

Who is this person that lightens her hair so that the greys are less apparent? Am I really that vain? 

I can't and won't go full blonde. I'd look like a fat version of my sister for one. I can't afford it for the other. And the skunk line would do my head in (Just as I can't wear gel or shellac nail polish - if I can't fix what isn't right quickly, I get anxious.)

Around 15 years ago, dream group egged me on to go blonde - something about lighter hair, lighter attitude. 

That didn't last long. 

Maybe this slightly lighter hair is a good compromise. Stave off the greys, while still being a brunette. 

Maybe it is a sign that I'm taking this aging shit seriously even though I really don't like it. 

And even if I do go a bit lighter, I'm not cutting it short. Sorry, I'm a Leo. I need my mane. 

Vanity, vanity. 

Today's song: 

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