Monday, September 16, 2024

The Jammy Sod

 I mean, look at it!

This is my cat, Lucifer, at his holiday home, day two. 

Lying in the sun, on HIS mat - the one that he uses at home. On my friends' dining room table. 

He has a lovely cat tree with a perch that looks out onto the oval and the wetlands, but no, he has to sleep on his mat on the kitchen table.

Spoiled much? 

I dropped him off yesterday lunchtime. He stayed with these friends three weeks ago and they seemed to get on well. Last time, he didn't come upstairs before I left. 

This time, we went upstairs to have a cup of tea, then minutes later we hear the sound of pads tapping against the wooden stairs. He had arrived. 

Ten minutes after that Pat was sitting on the floor talking to him. Pat seems to love this little critter.

Pat is the one who goes downstairs to collect his toys so that his Lordship can pay with them upstairs. 

Pat is the one who is begrudgingly sharing HIS chair with the cat. 

He also hand feeds him stinky treats (Churrus - cats love them, but they stink). 

Lucifer is a jammy sod. 

On the good side of things, I know that he's very happy with my friends, just as I know that they're very happy with the cat sharing opportunity. We're all cat people. I used to look after their cats many years ago and I loved having some critters to give some love to. 

Bit still, having your sleep mat put ON the kitchen table. Who does he think he is?

Today's song: 

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