Friday, September 20, 2024

The Happy Place

 Tonight, I found myself back at the wave pool tonight for aqua aerobic. 

Yes, in many ways it's an oldies class, and yes, it's a bit of a funny thing to do on a work night, but there's something great about getting off work at 5 p.m. running home, getting into your bathers and traipsing down the hill to the waterfront in time for the last set of waves. 

Even better, there were no kids in the pool when we got in at 20 to six. We had the waves pretty much to ourselves. A massive bonus as it meant we weren't navigating around noisy children riding inner tubes, dodging limbs and avoiding the noise. 

Once they shut off the waves, the pool is about chest height and flat, perfect for aqua aerobics. Callum, the instructor, of Irish extraction takes us through our paces. There were nine of us there. Median age a bout 65. It doesn't matter. 

Yet my favourite bit of the wave pool is the waves. 

They may only be around three-foot high but jumping around in the waves is one of the best ways to relieve stress. I see what surfers love about the waves. And yes, the sets are a little close together, but they you don't get dumped. It reminds me of the surf at Silver Sands when it's not entirely flat. 

And the best bit about all of this? You don't get sand up your bits. 

I'm planning to go back on Sunday morning for another aqua class. At eight dollars a throw, it's a bargain - and it beats doing laps in the hotel pool. 

Today's song: 

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