Monday, September 2, 2024


Tonight, I took Cleo to the gym with me to work out. 

Cleo is in Barcelona. I have a phone. 

We normally meet on a Monday night session using the weight in my living room. Tonight, for a change, we went back to the gym - which was quite fun. 

Cleo was on Messenger on my phone. I gave her a quick tour of the shopping centre to show her all of the stuff that had changed while she had been away - now well over 18 months, before getting into the gym. 

Stupidly, I'd left my wireless earphones at home and had to rely on some wired ear buds, but that way by the by. We chatted as she told me what to do around the gym. Some squat and rows, a Cleo favourite, Shoulder presses, high to low wood chops. Three rounds of the buggers. I perched her on the weights of the dormant cable set next to me, so she could see what I was doing. 

Out the back of the gym, I did a more spread-out set, with the lat pull downs, super-setted with a leg press, on opposite sides of the studio, followed by walking lunges to get back to the lat pulldown machine. All the while, Cleo sat in my hand, egging me on. 

To finish, we went back out front to use the TRX machines. 

We ran into Chuck and Cam. Cam is one of my proxy training partners. Chuck and Cleo used to work with each other. 

"Hello, Cleo."

"Hey, Chuck!"

"Are you working her hard?" he asked her. 

"Of course," we bleated back in unison. 

And we finished off our session, leaving Cam to his rather heavy shoulder presses. 

I like continuity. I've been working out with Cleo for around ten years now. It was nice to be working out with her in the place we started at. 

And for me, exercise is just another way to take back control of my life. 

Today's song:

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