Friday, November 6, 2020


 [Insert your preferred deity here], 

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

And the wisdom to know the difference. 

I've been saying the serenity prayer a lot lately. Mostly, this is I try to avoid the US election commentary as the world wait for a comprehensive result. And this is being done because Trump's behaviour isn't something to be tolerated as he booms around like a toddler who's drunk far too much red cordial and hasn't had his afternoon sleep.

If he wins, he's going to be unbearable. If he loses, odds on, he's going to be even worse. 

Ah well, whatever happens, may he end and many of his cronies end up in prison and may the world become a bit nicer again. 

Regardless, I've been avoiding this shit show. 

And I'm very thankful I live in a country with compulsory voting and a robust, indepentent and national electoral commisions (Thank god for the AEC and Antony Greene). 

The other thing I'm finding myself saying a lot over the last few days is an old Polish proverb.

Not my circus. Not my monkeys. 

Because when it all comes down to this, I have absolutely no influence over what is happening in America, I don't vote over there, it's not my country of residence, nor somewhere I ever would want to live on a full time basis (though it's been nice to visit in on the few occasions I've been there)

And using these strategies, I've managed to stay reasonably sane for the last few days.

Though I've just flicked over to the New York Times website to see that Biden has pulled ahead in Georgia... and I'm hoping that now Mercury is out of retrograde, some common sense will prevail.

Even if 70 million people voted for this goon. Or one of my team mates today declared she could see why people would vote for him - after all, better the devil you know. 

Give me strength.

I'll leave it at that. 

Today's Song:

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