Sunday, November 15, 2020

Something Different

Quick blog today as I want to get out for a walk before the heat sets in. 33 today - too much for me. 

At least I've finished my interminable book group book, ready for book group on Thursday. 

I'm just thankful to be living in a place where we seem to have knocked the virus on the head. 16 days with no deaths and no new cases. We are still wearing masks in public - hoping they will loosen some of the restrictions next weekend (maybe making them mandatory on public transport, in shops and the like) We will see. Despite it being a few hard months, it's been worth it to know that people aren't getting sick and dying over here. There's lots to be grateful for.

Questions, as always, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing. 

1. Something held together with ribbon, string, or rope.

A tyre swing which hangs in your grandparents garden from the bough of a big pine tree. 

2. Something related to travel.

Websites. Currently looking at pet friendly accommodation on the way to Adelaide, just to break up the trip if I go back at Christmas. 

3. Someplace people gather

Parks. It's one place we can gather ingroups of more than five at the momet. It is getting better, but we see lots of people gathering in parks at the moment. 

4. Something cold/frozen

Ice cream. There is only one answer to this question. 

5. Something with a hole in it.

Donuts. Only one answer to this question too. 

6. Something striped

Zebras. I like zebras. 

7. An animal.

Cats. They are pretty cool.

8. Something cute.

Also cats. They are passive aggressive bastards, but they are cute in their own funny way. 

9. A food.

Currently I have a hankering for a Hector's Deli Chicken Sandwich, which is basically the evilist food found in the suburb. A breaded chicken fillet in a potato bun with taragon mayonnaise and shredded iceberg lettuce. Wonderful, but evil. 

10. Something warm

My bed, which currently has a warm cat asleep in the middle of it. 

Today's Song:


Annie said...

Yup.. donuts are the best holey things around!!

Susan said...

I like zebras. My dog dives under the covers when she is cold. That sandwich sounds good to me.!

Martha said...

I'll have a few doughnuts please ;)

CountryDew said...

Wish we had done something about Covid. Instead I'm watching people drop like flies where I live. No beds here now, having to haul folks 3 hours away . . . I guess after we're all dead, some other country can come over here and clear us all out and have at it.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

9! Yum! but an Evil yum. Got it. lol
I also love Zebras, and the somewhat rare Okopi, too, has a stripped bum. See, I'm learning the words!
donuts are evil, too. But we don't let it stop is do we!?

LA Paylor said...

good job. Congrats on living in a civilized country where they take measures to protect you

Me, Myself, and I said...

I was so impressed with Australia's response. We could've had that, if not for the monster and his cronies in our government. Sigh.