Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanksgiving Questions

Oh, this should be fun. 

I'm Australian.

We don't do Thanksgiving.

To be honest, with our current Federal Government, giving thanks would be seen as a bad thing, because it could be construed as doing something nice, or admitting fault, which would never happen with this mob of idiots.

Anyway, Thanksgiving isn't a thing here - though Black Friday - that big sales day after Thanksgiving Day, that has become a thing - and I'm a bit thankful for that. 

So, Bev from Sunday Stealing has given a heap of Thanksgiving questions. I'll give them a bash.

1. What did you do for Thanksgiving when you were a kid?

We never had Thanksgiving when I was a kid because I am Australian and Thanksgiving isn't a thing here. Just like Americans don't have ANZAC Day. I don't do much for ANZAC day, other than feel guilty about sleeping through Dawn Service. 

2 .What’s your favorite family tradition?

My family don't have Thankgiving traditions because we are Australian, and Thanksgiving isn't a thing here. 

3. What’s your favorite way to give back and help others?

I happily give my time and services where I can. I used to donate blood, but they won't let me anymore. Our blood bank is really picky about who can give blood and I'm deemed a mad cow because I lived in England for more than six months in the nineties. I used to like giving blood regularly. Wish I could do it now. 

4. Name one person who can make you laugh, even months later. Why?

My old work husband makes me laugh. He's just a funny bloke. I enjoy his company. He thinks I'm mad too - a mutually beneficial relationship. 

5. What is the funniest thing you remember about a Thanksgiving past?

Never had a funny Thanksgiving moment because I'm Australian and we don't have Thanksgiving here. 

6. Do you have any unusual traditions, rituals or habits around Thanksgiving?

The only usual think around Thanksgiving I do is wonder why Americans do this - and ponder why this is held on a Thursday? Why not have it on a Friday or a Monday and make a long weekend of it? And it's just before Xmas. Like why not span it out to another date?

7. What time do you eat your Thanksgiving meal?

I have only ever been to one Thanksgiving meal - that was last year with friends. One of my friends is American. We ate mid-afternoon - again, that was a bit strange. 

8. Name one ancestor that you think about on Thanksgiving and tell us why.

I don't think of ancestors at Thanksgiving because I'm Australian and Thanksgiving isn't a thing here. 

9. Is there a family heirloom at the Thanksgiving table? What its story?

Nope. We don't have Thanksgiving heirlooms because Thanksgiving isn't a thing here. 

10. What is your favorite part about Thanksgiving Day?

No idea. It sounds like a day where you eat a lot. That can't be a bad thing. 

11. What is something that was done for you this year that makes you grateful this Thanksgiving?

Okay, even though I'm not American, I am very, very grateful I'm not American at the moment. I'm glad that we have all but eradicated COVID from our state and our shores. I'm thankful we have socialised medicine which is well funded and accessible to all. I'm thankful our hospitals are not overun. I'm thankful we have a government who has taken this seriously. I'm thankful that people have complied with the health department orders, worn masks, socially distanced and wash their hands (for the most part). We've got this contained. I'm very thankful for this. (There is ONE active case in my state now - down from two thousand about three months ago. Yes, it can be done.)

12. What foods do you usually have for Thanksgiving?

Again, we don't do Thanksgiving, but last year I was really perplexed with sweetpotatoes topped with marshmallow. I was VERY sceptical, but it works. Also I have to say, pumpkin is a vegetable and is used for savoury stuff here. It's not for sweetening, canning and putting in pies. That's just odd. And what the hell is Pumpkin Spice. I'm perplexed. Pumpkin is best roasted and had with chicken, or tarted up with cumin, garlic, onions and a few other bits and pieces and made into soup. 

13. How has the celebration of Thanksgiving today changed from when you were little?

Again, it hasn't as we don't have Thanksgiving here. 

14. If you could share Thanksgiving dinner today with one person in history who would it be? Why? (Note: it can be a relative)

As we don't have Thanksgiving here, I don't know who I'd make a special event of that meal with, but I would love to sit down with the Obamas for dinner. They just seem like really nice people - interested and interesting. 

15. What is one wish you have for the next generation as they begin to establish their own Thanksgiving traditions

Maybe we in Australia could start some sort of Thanksgiving tradition. Maybe when we become a republic we could be thankful for being free of the Queen. 

Today's Song:


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I'm not doing this week because I am British, and like you lovely Australians, we don't do Thankgiving either.




Susan said...

I liked your #11. I have to agree. Sadly a major health issue became political and our nation divided. Hopefully things will get better in 2021. Your country has done it the right way. I am still thankful for my many blessings. We are all well. Have fun shopping.

CountryDew said...

Too bad no one over here in the USA has any damn sense.

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Mob of Idiots. lol We have a mob of that here too!
Oh, and we make Thanksgiving a four day holiday for a few folks, like the children in school, but the poor parents who have to work, well. they can just go fish.. which is the equivalent of nanner nanner.. ;o)
Enjoy your thoughts about politics and all, and funny hols. Stay Safe, stay SANE!