Sunday, November 8, 2020

More Random Questions

Like most of the rest of the world, I woke to the news that America is on the way to a new President. It's been a week of trying to avoid the media and getting on with things, refusing to let myself get dragged into the American elections. After all, it's a case of 'not my circus, not my monkeys' - but it is interesting to watch. I still think that they're going to have to pry Trump out of the White House with a crow bar - he does't seem to take the losses that well. I may be surprised - but I don't like the chances.

Anyway, here's today's questions, brought to us by the wonderful Bev at Sunday Stealing

1. What’s something no one wants to hear but everyone should?

You are responsible for your feelings and emotions. The more you take responsibility for them, accept them and deal with them, the easier things become. Same goes for thoughts. It's something not enough people know about.

2. What’s the most annoying animal you’ve ever encountered?

Oh that goes to my Uncle's dog Amy. She was a cow, Only liked you if you had food in your hand. Demanded attention then tried to bite our hand if you went to give her a pat. Never liked her. 

3. How much does language affect our thinking?

Language is everything - and it's not just what you say, but how you say it. Also how sentences are constructed make for interesting thoughts. I am the queen of judging people for their grammar.

4. Do you prefer to watch movies in the theater or in the comfort of your home?

I prefer movies in the theatre - and we're getting cinemas back on Wednesday as our lock down eases. Looking forward to this. I've missed the movies.

5. What topic could you spend hours talking about?

All sorts of things. Things like:

  • Shakespeare
  • Writing
  • Theatre
  • Books
  • How good is South Australia
  • Gin
  • Cats (and dogs) 

6. If you could run away from it all and start fresh somewhere new, would you?

Before then pandemic, I would say I'd love to move to a village in England, probably and Devon or Cornwall. As there are pandemic restritions, I'd love to have an old house overlooking the Tamar Vally in Tasmania and run a writer's retreat. That would be awesome.

7. What’s the most polarizing question you could ask a group of friends?

Here in Victoria, if you asked a group of people what they thought of how good a job the Prime Minister was doing, that could get heated. I have one acquaintace who's an anti-vaxxer and a Trump lover. He's pretty polarising. 

8. Do movies have the same power as books to change the world?

I think books have more power. Books , by their very nature, are going to be personal to everybody. Movies give the same information, but in the same way to all consuming them. Books allow for nuance. 

9. What would you rate 10/10 ?

Tom Ellis's bum. 

10. What are you really good at, but kind of embarrassed that you are good at it?

I'm a bit embarrased that I am good at these things:

  • Ironing
  • Knitting
  • Reconciling stuff (ie balancing cheque books)
  • Assembling flat pack furniture
  • Driving anything
  • Rhyming
  • Correcting grammar
  • Winning over other people's cats.

11. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?

Nobody really as I'm nice to everybody - but I am especially nice to animals. Never met an animal I haven't liked. 

12. What problems will technology solve in the next 5 years? What problems will it create?

I think technology will get rid of cash in the next five years - but what do you do with all the coins? I think we will be getting rid of the five cent piece soon - we don't have cent and two cent pieces any more, the five cent piece will be the next to go. The notes won't be that much of a problem.Our paper money is made of plastic anyway.

13. What from the present will withstand the test of time?

Hopefully kindness - and Donald Trump's convictions which will see him in jail for a very long time for various misdemeanours. 

14. What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?

I'd love to see Die Hard, the Musical. It would be the perfect Christmas treat, as Die Hard is the best Christmas movie out there. 

Is there a Trump the Musical yet? We had one over here that was done for Paul Keating - and one for Shane Warne. The Trump musical could be one of the more subversive ones - like Rocky Horror. That could be fun. 

15. What is something common from your childhood that will seem strange to future generations?

The rotary phone. Have you ever given one of these to a milennial? They have no clue. Even tape recorders and CD players are becomming obselete. 

 Today's Song:


Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Great answers as usual.

Except for #9 - I can't say I have looked.




CountryDew said...

Most Trump lovers are polarizing.

Kwizgiver said...

Die Hard the Christmas musical--I'm in!

LA Paylor said...

trump the musical! Die hard! your answers were awesome today, I read them to my husband (as he cleaned up the breakfast dishes) and we had fun discussion from them. He said but cash isn't a problem is it?
All your comments on t+Rump are on target. What's going on in the world when people think he's okay. His brand of hate is incidious I suppose. I'm thrilled to think of Kamala Harris in the white house... they might have to disinfect the whole place, and sage it, call in a shaman a priest and a rabbi

Bev Sykes said...

Yes, to your Trump comments!!!

Me, Myself, and I said...

Die Hard the Musical--brilliant!!!!

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Oh Gott im Himmel, I am so glad that Trump will fade into insignificance, which is just where he belongs! I hope he gets to wear an orange jumpsuit! Ahem... Ok.. I just want to say that this is always a great read because you put an Aussie spin on things which is always fun. But who is Tom Ellis and what is a bum? Is Tom Ellis a Bum?

I know who can do the score for that musical.

🎼 Collaboration Time, Come ON!🎼


Bev Sykes said...

Just a note. Based on a suggestion by Country Dew, I am changing the day I post Sunday Stealing questions to Friday instead of Saturday, so people have time to answer it on busy weekends.