Sunday, November 29, 2020


And Sunday Stealing goes a little bit personal this time round, says she who is very proud of her eight kilo weight loss (15 lbs in the old measure). Still, it's making me think about things I don't feel like thinking about. But we all have to face up to ourselves at some stage - for me, it's my Sunday Morning blog.

Questions, provided by Bev at Sunday Stealing, as always. 

1. My biggest barrier to weight loss is...

My own willpower. I'm also fighting with menopause and the joys of a galacially slow metabolism. It's fun. 

2. What is your relationship with food like? 

Basically healthy. Other than I comfort eat, I don't have any food problems. I'm making a very conscious effort to only eat when hungry. It's working for the most part. 

3. What was the last time you had fun that made you smile for a few days

I went on a picnic with the Faber crew today. We all made it - and it was great to hang out with these people. We've only met twice in the last nine months in person. Was fabulous. I like being with my tribe. 

4. What are triggers in your life that lead to eating?

Normally friends, fun or the knowledge I'm due in the gym in three hours and I don't want to go in there with a full stomach. 

5. What inspires you to be healthier

Knowing my father died at 55-years-old and there is type-two diabetes in both sides of the family. I try to keep things healthy because of this. 

6. Name two foods that you think are “bad”

Food isn't good or bad. But I don't like bananas because they are often bruised and mucky and I think chick peas are strange (think garbanzo beans). Chick peas are best left for hummus. 

7. Are your expectations for yourself too high?

Probably. We talked about this today. I've had a spot of depression lately, which has meant I'm not as productive as I normally would be and that doesn't help the spiral. I'm an over-achiever - not being productive sucks. 

8. Would you like more fun in your life?

Yes. It's been a hard year, and I still had fun - but I would like more fun. A little bit more money would be good too - but I'm certainly grateful for what I have. 

9. What is your one comfort food?

Ice cream. Always has been, always will be. 

10. How would you give someone encouragement?

For what? Normally I'd talk to them and offer gentle reinforcement. 

11. Do you get enough sleep?

Not really - I get enough to function - and I sleep better in winter. Summer is hard - but I've been living on 5-6 hours sleep most nights for over ten years. Another joy of menopause.

12. What activities make you feel more relaxed

Walking, reading, seeing moview, spending time with friends.

13. Where do you need to practice forgiveness in your life?

I need to forgive myself for a lot of things. I'm good at forgiving other people, letting things go and not carrying grudges - but forgiving myself is another matter. 

14. What is one thing you have not done because of how you looked?

Many many times I have not gone out to parties and other social gatherings pretty much because I beleived I was too fat and ugly to go and fit in. I've not done that for a long time, but my twenties and thirties had many missed opportunities because of this. Thank god for therapy is all I will say. 

15. What would you like more of in your life?

Physical contact. I cuddle my cat. That's about the extent of tough in my life at the moment. 

Today's Song:


Bev Sykes said...

I think of 5-6 hours of sleep as a good night of sleep.

Kwizgiver said...

I totally relate to menopause sleep deprivation. It's the pits!

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

Mrs PM is going through menopause too but she sleeps more than I do. I guess it affects different people in different ways.

Great song choice.




Annie said...

I need 8 to 10 hours but I could even do 12.. I am a baby that way. I love the Brick in the wall song. :)

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Ice Cream! I love the stuff, too. So much so that we don't keep much of it around.
My daughters are going though Menopause, too. It's a tough time for women.
Glad you got to be with your clan. We are going through a second wave that will likely not let up until past Christmas and the vaccine is ready.