Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Problem with Josh Lyman

I'm on a West Wing bender at the moment. Tired of the news from America, tired with the drabness and stupidity of Australian Federal politics, I've turned to The West Wing for some gentler, kinder, less loopy viewing. Not that The West Wing is real - like it's telly. But there is a big part of me that wishes that there was a reasonable man in power, one who is thoughtful. One who doesn't immediately go to Twitter or some three word slogan to get a message across. 

But having The West Wing on in the background has made something a little obvious.

I have an inconvenient crush on Josh Lyman.

This is silly. 

There is so much to not like about this character, especially when you frame him in these #MeToo times. 

First up, he's a ginger. Not that there is anything wrong with gingers, but gingers are generally unlovable. If you google hot gingers, you don't get much back. It's like asking google about French Military Victories - and it comes back with this:

With the possible exception of Damian Lewis, I'm left scratching my head. 

Bradley Whitford, who plays Josh Lyman, is not what you'd call an empirical stud. Okay, he's not ugly. He's got lovely broad shoulders and snakey hips. Indeed, he looks like an accountant or dentist - but he does have kind eyes. That wins votes.

So to the dimples. 

But enough on the physicality. Josh is a problematic character to have a crush on - we  talked about this at our Faber picnic today. Josh Lyman is somebody you have to love. You don't necessarily want to, but you do. 

I mean, he's an inveterate mansplainer. A dreadful mansplainer. Donna puts up with him, but he has to put his spin on things because he likes to think he's right. Like all the bloody time. 

He's never really grown up. He might be a political great, but he's still living like a university student. From the backpack slung over one shoulder to the oversized pyjamas to the casual wear which he probably bought when he was still a student. Oh, and he always needa a decent haircut. Then again, The West Wing was filmed at the end of the nineties and the start of the noughties.  

Maybe it's the boyish thing - he admits that when it comes to getting women he's smart (well smart but clueless), and funny (Yeah, will give him that) but he has the boyish thing going on too. 

He's also very caring. He would never hurt anybody intentionally - he's hurt you with his cluelessness, but that is about it.

He's a very loyal friend. You have to love that about him.

But still. 

I get getting a bit hot under the colour about Tom Ellis. There are plenty of other male actors out there who a bit of yum.

My dodgy taste in men sends me Josh Lyman's way. It's making me scratch my head.

There is no hope. 

Today's Song:

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