Sunday, November 1, 2020

Random Questions

We have a day off for a Horse Race on Tuesday. Won't that be fun. The first Tuesday of November, Melbourne gets the day off for the Melbourne Cup. It's just as daft as having a day off before the football grandfinal, which was held outside of the state, with two Victorian teams. It's all a bit surreal at the moment - but at least the shops are open, you can have a socially distanced meal in a restaurant and as of this morning, we had no new cases and no deaths from COVID. We call these days 'Donut Days' - so great it is to see the two circles of the zeros on the Department of Health and Human Services media links. Of this last fact, we here in the state of Victoria, feel like we're winning. It's been a hard road - but it looks like we have this contained. 

As for my American friends, on Tuesday, may the odds ever be in your favour. 

Questions, as always, supplied by Bev at Sunday Stealing.

1. What has been your favorite part of the year so far.

January was pretty good. I had the month off and there was no COVID-19 to worry about. 

2. Have you started Christmas shopping?

Hell, no! I don't even know what Christmas will look like this year. 

3. Do you like your handwriting?

Not really - it's chicken scratchings. My cursive is slightly nicer than my printed writing. 

4. Song you could hear over and over and over again.


5. A favorite quote.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

6. Last dream you remember

I had a dream last night which was a bit disturbing. I was in a lift (elavator) sitting on a toilet in that lift (elavator). I couldn't dare to get off the toilet as people got in and out of the lift. 

7. Most expensive object you want to buy right now.

There is a small part of me that would like to change up my car. But I love my car and I don't need to do this. 

8. Describe your eldest family member.

My Auntie Marg is 92 - she's my Mum's sister. She's awesome - a little frail, lives in a nursing home in Canberra, but she is one of the loveliest people I know. She's always been one of my favourite people.

9. What has your weather been like?

Here in Melbourne it's noticably getting warmer. Daytime temperatures have been between 16-25 degrees and varying between sunny or overcast.  (62-77 in the old language). It's been a bit windy. Otherwise it's just fairly normal Spring weather. 

10. Do you enjoy your job?

For the most part. I'm good at it and it pays the bills. 

11. What is your favorite everyday item?

My bed. It's very comfortable and I share it with my cat. 

12. Are you currently obsessed with any TV show?

I'm currently going back over The West Wing, trying to tell myself that there is some honour in politics. it's a nice dream. I also can't wait for the second season of Virgin River, the back eight episodes of Lucifer and I can't wait for the next installment of The Crown

13. Book you’d like to read before the year ends.

There are a few:

  • Trent Dalton's All Our Shimmering Skies
  • Sally Rooney's Conversations with Friends
  • Lucy Ellman's Ducks, Newburyport
And I want to make a bit of headway into Ulysses - the James Joyce tome. It's only been sitting by my bed for ten years. 

14. Describe Kindness.

Putting others up there on an equal footing as yourself. Demonstrating that the world is a good place. Demonstrating a good and benevolent disposition.

15. Describe your favorite candy in great detail.

Candy - oh you mean lollies. I'm a FruChoc girl - mainly because I'm from South Australia - they peach and apricot balls smothered in chocolate. They're really morish. Friends say they're an acquired taste, but I think they are pretty awesome. 

Today's Song:


Susan said...

I have never seek the West Wing, but I would like to. Ah yes the bed that we need to have the dreams we are suppose to remember.

Me, Myself, and I said...

Those candies sound tasty! I wonder if they are available here in the States.... I envy your "donut days"-- meanwhile, over here our numbers are rising like mad. Oh, to have an administration that actually cared about it's populace. I hope Tuesday brings change. Have a great week :)

Plastic Mancunian said...

Hi Pand,

I love Sympathy for the Devil too.




Bev Sykes said...

Australia has great ideas -- forced voting and holiday for horse racing.

Not sure why those candies are an acquired taste--they sound pretty good to me!

As for "West Wing" -- I love it and keep hoping there could possibly be an administration like that, but doubt it.

CountryDew said...

I've only seen clips of West Wing but suspect I need to watch it, although someone said it didn't hold up well with the passage of time. Those candies sound good to me!