Monday, November 30, 2020

November Check In - December Goals

It's amazing how moods affect everything - particularly getting your goals done. I'm looking at my goals and seeing how little I got done and now I'm trying to be kind and understanding to myself. Depression is what depression is - and not getting stuff done is one of the consequences on the back of black dog. 

But then again, I've not done that badly either. 

So here we go. My November goals were:

10000 steps five times a week (at least)

I managed 10000 steps three times a week on average - not bad. On the days I didn't get there I was in the gym / training. So this was half done. And it's okay. 

Have the mason's books done by 4 November.

Yes! Finally, these have been finished and completed and are in with the auditor. 

Work on the novel every day for at least 20 minutes. 

Nope, not done at all. I barely touched the novel. 

Read four books:

I get a tried hard badge for this one. I've read two and a half books this month:

  • The Bee and the Orange Tree by Melissa Ashley (which I really didn't like)
  • Honeybee by Craig Silvey (one of the books of the year for me)
  • and I'm halfway through The Girls by Emma Cline. 

Read ten pages of Ulysses a day.

This wasn't a month to start the Ulysses challenge. Didn't happen. 

And it's back on the no gluten, sugar or dairy regime.

I've not been perfect, but I've been working on keeping all of these limited on a day to day basis.

And my goals for December:

Read four books plus finish the one I'm reading. 

I made a pact with myself that I'd read 35 books this year. When I finish The Girls, I'll be on 31 books read. This is acheiveable.

Write more of the novel.

Not putting an amount on this, I just want to do this - I'm getting my groove back, time to get writing. 

Exercise five days a weeks:

Will have to make up some days around Christmas, but this should be acheiveable. I'm in the gym 3-4 days a week already.

Book some tickets for some theatre:

Because theatre is starting to make a reappearance and I've missed it. There is a chance to get some tickets to the odd MTC play between January and March. The season seems to be opening up after March all going well. 

Use the vouchers I found

I found the following vouchers - they need using:

  • $100 Hoyts Voucher
  • $100 Village Cinemas Voucher
  • $100 Dymocks Voucher
  • $50 Endota Spa Voucher
Need to check the expiry and T&Cs - but these need using. Hoping the movie vouchers can be extended - the cinemas have only just opened again. (actually just checked - they have another two years to run on these - still, want to use some of them up. 

Have a good time with the cat in Adelaide over Christmas. 

All going well, COVID restrictions allowing, Lucifer and I are going on a road trip. He's going to stay with Grandma for a few days all going well. I'm hoping this all goes well - if it happens at all. All depends on the border restrictions. From history, Lucifer is pretty good in the car. I've got him a comfy cage where he can have a bed, a litter box, some kibble, Nemo and his Harvey Norman bag inside for the trip over. Who am I kidding, he's going to hate it. But Grandma will think he's the bees knees. 

Let's hope we get back in the saddle.

Today's Song: 


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